We already know that an intensive skincare regime and some strategic makeup tricks are responsible for keeping Victoria Beckham looking ever youthful.
And when it comes to maintaining her slim physique, Beckham has formulated a jam packed daily fitness regime that is just as comprehensive as her beauty routine.
Besides keeping a fairly clean diet, the 44-year-old also ensures that her body is receiving all the nutrients it needs in between means. She also manages to squeeze multiple workouts into her day—and she still manages to leave ample time to spend with her family.

DIET: Avocados For Glowing Skin

When it comes to maintaining her bright visage, Beckham swears by consuming the right amount of healthy fats, mainly from avocados.

In an interview with The Telegraph the fashion designer revealed that she now “eats three or four avocados a day” to keep her skin healthy.

Widely considered one of the best foods for glowing skin, avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fat. They also features high amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress, which has been connected to ageing.

DIET: Nutrient-Dense Breakfast

Every morning before having her breakfast, VB preps her gut for the day with apple cider vinegar. “Be brave! Two tbsp first thing on an empty tummy!” she revealed on Instagram.

Then, she makes herself and her family one of her signature ‘green monster’ smoothies. According to Hello!, she takes a mix of chopped apple, kiwi, lemon, spinach, broccoli and Chia Seeds and blends them all in her Nutribullet.

According to Women’s Health she also starts her day with a bowl of sprouted grain cereal. Her go-to pick contains wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, which she then tops with “unsweetened organic almond milk.”

DIET: Greens and Clean Eating

While this may not come as a surprise to you, Beckham is a stickler for healthy eating. “I enjoy eating healthily,” she told The Times. “And I’m in the fortunate position where it’s easy for me. I can afford to eat well.”

She insists that her wholesome diet is what gets her through her workouts and her day in general: “I expect a lot from my body,” she said. “And I’m never sick. You have to be kind to your body if you expect a lot from it.”

The designer loves her vegetables, particularly broccoli, beans and peas, and typically pairs them with fish. She tends to favour salmon, which has also been responsible for clearing her skin. She also has a huge love for sushi, which her family also shares.

In terms of what she has cut out of her diet, she shared with Vogue UK that she has completely cut out milk and cheese.

DIET: Supplements

As well as packing her diet with nutrient-rich foods, Beckham also takes supplements to give her daily energy supplies an extra boost. I’ve got the vitamins and the collagen pills… and I need a lot of energy to be buzzing about!” she told Vogue UK.
She’ll also eat a spoonful of pollen each day, and has boasted about its benefits. “Twenty-two amino acids, 12 vitamins, 28 minerals,” she said. “We can’t have wrinkles!”


To start her day, VB goes for a 5km run each and every morning. “I go for a three mile run every morning and I work out for an hour with a PT, which gives me just enough time to get to the kitchen to puree Romeo’s avocados,” she told Vogue Netherlands.

According to Vogue UK, she typically completes her PT session with celebrity trainer, Tracy Anderson, at 6 o’ clock each morning, five days a week. According to Anderson, she often completes this session on the treadmill.

EXERCISE: Multiple Workouts A Day

As mentioned before, Beckham will sneak her workouts in at 6am each morning, but that’s not all she does each day. “I get up quite early, around 6am, and do an hour in the gym before the kids get up, then I give them breakfast and David or I take them to school,” she told The Times.

“I’ll then fit in another hour’s workout before I go to the office. I’m very disciplined, I have to be. It’s really the only time in the day I get to myself.”

Beckham’s routine is definitely not for the feint hearted, squeezing these workouts in almost every day of the week. “I work out every day, six or seven days [a week],” she told ELLE UK.

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Source Harpers Bazaar

Will this be you at 45? Beckham's routine is definitely not for the feint hearted

Source: @victoriabeckham

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