As a scout leader this advice is so helpful to use to undo the brainwashing the government and school system has done.

My 8 year old was eating non stop and getting flabby. She fasts 16 hours twice per week on the weekend. She eats low carb but has potato in her diet. She has lost the flab and can run rings around everyone now, instead of being yelled at by others for being slow and last one to finish. She is so much happier and told me she loves all the new food I am cooking. She even eats kale and Brussel sprouts which I serve with pink rock salt and butter.

It’s no secret that intermittent fasting has become a popular practice for adults looking to stay healthy, lose weight, and even increase their life expectancy. But did you know that children can benefit from intermittent fasting too?

Yes, it’s true; intermittent fasting can be a safe and healthy practice for your children. In fact, there are several advantages to intermittent fasting for children.

One of the main benefits is that it can help children maintain a healthy weight. Research has shown that overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity in children, so intermittent fasting can be an effective way of encouraging healthy eating habits. It allows children to take control of their eating habits and be mindful of the foods they’re consuming.

Intermittent fasting can also help children improve their mental focus. When children are not grazing on food throughout the day, their bodies can have time to rest and recover, leading to improved attention spans.

Finally, intermittent fasting can help them develop better physical activity habits. When children have to fast for long periods of time, they often find themselves with more energy to devote to physical activities. This will help keep their bodies in shape and help them build healthy habits they can take into adulthood.

It’s important to note that any form of fasting should be discussed with your peditrician before you start, as children’s bodies are still developing and need the right amount of nutrients to ensure healthy growth and development. But as long as your child is getting enough nutrition in their meals and snacks, they can still benefit from intermittent fasting.

If you’re looking for a safe and healthy way to help foster healthy lifestyle habits in your children, intermittent fasting might just be right for you. Talk to your doctor to figure out if it would be an appropriate choice for your child. With the right guidance and safety measures, intermittent fasting can be an effective way for your child to achieve their health, mental focus, and physical activity goals.

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Time to undo the brainwashing the government and school system has done.

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