Jet set babes are always looking for the next best thing. They are never satisfied with what they have. They always want to level up and get the next best thing, whether it be clothes, a new car, or jewelry. The jet set life is all about being rich and feeling like you’re living in luxury.

Affluent people have a different mindset than others when it comes to what they wear. They don’t care about trends because they can afford to buy anything that they want and wear whatever they want no matter how out of style it is. Jet set babes will never wear clothes from fast fashion brands or even affordable luxury brands like Zara or H&M because those brands don’t represent their status as an affluent person.

So what will Jet set babes not wear in hot destinations?

Ahhhh the bikini bottom! When my mom saw this trend she said “that looks like the sanitary pad belt that women used to have to wear before they made pads with adhesive” and it changed my perspective IMMEDIATELY

Do you commit any of these crimes against elegant fashion? Let me guide you away from these style faux pas so you can have your most chic summer yet!

Till the next slay time!

If you’re interested in levelling up your life you really need to become an elite member of slaylebrity. The status you get after you do this is truly next level. Sign up here.


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Get rid of the mommy jeans Dear!

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