Hello blessed Warriors,
This is Pinky Prof here. You know me for saying it as it is, for fighting against the tide and knocking down walls that dare to stand in my path. Today, I’m bringing you another fight, a fight against a hidden enemy. A fight against a threat that is silently snuffing the joy out of our beautiful sisters, mothers, daughters, and friends in Nigeria. The enemy? The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – a sly killer lurking in the shadows. We must rise, assemble our troops, and trend #STOPHPV_InNigeria.
Stay with me. We are about to dive deep into uncharted war zones and shine a light on this menacing adversary.
Did you know that HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide? Yeah, it crept up on them silently. You won’t believe it but most people don’t even know they’re infected. And guess what? Nigeria, with over 200 million people, is hitting the high score in this deadly game with majority of cervical cancer cases linked to HPV. This needs to stop!
The battle we’re about to fight isn’t one that can be won overnight, no! It will take conviction, courage, education, and massive screening campaigns. It’s going to need us to gather our strength and fight collectively. This is no time for blame games, we are beyond that. This is a rally cry for action, for awareness, for prevention – a RESISTANCE against HPV.
Sweet talk gets you nowhere in a battle. Instead, let facts guide our attack. Understand this; over 70% of cervical cancer cases are caused by two types of HPV – 16 and 18. The monster we’re fighting is a silent killer, and its deceptive nature has allowed it to keep thriving, but not for much longer. Not on our watch. We’re here to pull the mask off HPV and expose its ugly face with #STOPHPV_InNigeria!
Vaccination! That’s our shield and weapon. By getting vaccinated, girls, before they become sexually active, can create a future free of HPV related problems, primarily cervical cancer. But the fight doesn’t stop there. Screenings and early detection are essential gear that no woman in Nigeria should be left without.
Let’s make our hashtag, #STOPHPV_InNigeria, viral. Let’s let the world know that we are soldiers for change, that we are taking down HPV one tweet, one Slaylebrity post, one share at a time. I need every single one of you to rally your troops online – your followers, your friends, your family, each person is a crucial soldier in this battle.
Hit the keyboards, flood social media, send this uninvited guest packing, and proclaim loudly: #STOPHPV_InNigeria. Say it on Twitter, Instagram, Slaylebrity, Facebook – say it everywhere.
I’m already in the warzone, waiting for you. Join me – Let’s declare war on HPV. Let’s build a fortress of education, prevention, screening, and vaccination. Let’s stop HPV in Nigeria. The time is now! Are you WITH ME?
Warriors never retreat,
Pinky Prof
Every hashtag, every share could save a life. Join the fight and let’s trend #STOPHPV_InNigeria. We can’t afford to lose this battle. Stay tuned for more information on how you can be a part of this movement.