While few people are signing up to be the next human cannonball, there are lots of great ways to feel like a living projectile. One of the more popular thrill-seeking rides is the slingshot ride. It’s not for the faint-of-heart and throws you far and fast. It’s a great rush, and it’s no wonder there are so many of them in theme parks around the world. If you are looking for a great thrill, here are some facts about the slingshot ride. While no two rides are the same, there is a range of statistics that cover almost every slingshot ride currently on the market, including the tallest and fastest.
With over 400 amusement parks in America alone, there isn’t a shortage of extreme thrills. Thankfully, many of these locations feature the unique slingshot ride. While there are some safety concerns involved, amusement parks are continuing to improve the safety and experience of the slingshot ride. Whether you enjoy fast coasters, tall rides or something unique, the slingshot ride is a great choice.
What is the sling shot ride?
Two steel towers jut into the air like the arms of a slingshot. This modern ride uses strong steel cables to hold a carriage designed for two people. As long as their combined weight is at least 110 pounds, these two people will be sent flying into the air. The cables never let go of the carriage, but it swings back and forth, side to side and in circular movements. The velocity and direction change make it a great ride for thrill-seekers who aren’t afraid of heights. This two-person ride usually costs a small entrance fee, even if you have paid to enter the amusement park. There are several slightly different alternatives to this ride, but they all basically work the same. It’s a straightforward ride, and customers love the speed and simplicity of this ride. These rides are anywhere from 275 feet to 360 feet high, so they aren’t for the faint-of-heart. The entrance fee for the slingshot ride is usually from $10 to $25, but there is a wide range of fees. It’s a great way to connect with a friend or family member, as the small two-person carriage lets you see how they react to being thrown at high speeds. The creator of the ride was Funtime Industries, which operates in a variety of countries. It has created other great rides, like the StarFlyer and Sky Diver.
How fast is it?
The speed depends on the size of the slingshot. At Kings Island, one of the fastest slingshot rides sends you flying at around 100 mph. Other rides clock in at a slower, but still extremely fast, pace. Cedar Point reports 62 mph, and Carowinds’ slingshot ride is 60 mph. There are other places to ride the slingshot ride, so this is an approximate speed. Considering the fastest roller coaster in America is the Top Thrill Dragster, at 120 mph, the slingshot ride is still very fast. The fastest coaster in the world is currently in the United Arab Emirates. 1 Formula Rossa records speeds of 150 mph. Still, the slingshot ride ranks very high on the list of fast roller coasters and amusement park rides. It also feels much more free than a roller coaster, which is on a track. It’s hard to predict the exact direction it will swing and bounce, which makes it a unique ride every time.
Despite the height and speed of this ride, it’s a very safe experience. Amusement parks have many steps to ensure each ride is safe and secure. The carriage has a shoulder restraint and belt that attaches between the legs. They also have minimum and maximum sizes and include information about amputees riding this ride. If you have a neck brace, neck injury or any full-sized casts, you won’t be able to ride this ride. As with all roller coasters, there have been extremely rare cases of injury and even death while riding this ride. Care should always be taken, but even so, there are rare accidents with any ride. Overall, it’s an incredibly safe ride with few incidents recorded.
Where to ride it?
There are lots of places to enjoy a slingshot ride. These intense rides are part of most major amusement parks and even some smaller ones. One of the fastest slingshot rides is at Kings Island in Ohio. Other great slingshot rides are at Cedar Point, Six Flags, Carowinds, Magical Midway and Canada’s Wonderland. Each of these locations has a slightly different slingshot ride. The price also changes at each amusement park, and most sites charge a small, additional fee. These are just some of the more popular locations for this ride. Check with your local amusement park to see if there is a slingshot ride closer to you.
Other Facts
The slingshot ride is incredibly tall, as tall as 300 feet. Compare this to the tallest roller coaster in the world, the Kingda Ka. This massive Six Flags Great Adventure ride stands 456 feet tall with a drop of 416 feet. The slingshot can’t compete with the tallest or fastest coasters but is still an impressive ride. It can swing at a G-force of 3.5. One of the highlights of riding a slingshot ride is that it never feels the same twice. It doesn’t use a bungee cord but has around 720 springs specially designed for strength and resistance. When it launches you into the air, you will move back and forth in a slightly different direction each time. You’ll see why people try this ride again and again. Most slingshot rides, like other roller coasters, are equipped with a video camera. You can have the entire experience recorded to share with your friends and family, or perhaps create a new viral video with your terrified reactions. You’ll usually have to pay extra for this video. At Carowinds, for example, it is $12 for a USB drive of your recorded ride. Most slingshot rides bring the carriage to the ground, where you and the other guest are able to enter the ride. Others, particularly if there isn’t a lot of space in the area, take you up to a deck where you can board. Whether you start on the ground or in the air, it’ll feel far higher than 300 feet once you launch.
Should you ride it?
A slingshot ride is a great way to experience height, speed, and thrills safely. The small, two-person carriage means you can have this experience with a close friend or relative, or you can bond with a stranger while possibly screaming with excitement. It’s an incredible experience for most people, but there are some people who should be cautious when considering this ride. If you have a tendency to pass out quickly when there is a lot of G-force, this ride might not be for you. While many people enjoy watching videos of someone passing out on this ride, it could be a dangerous or uncomfortable experience. This ride may help you conquer your fear of heights, or it may make it worse. Consider how you handle heights before choosing this ride.
Finally, some people should not ride this ride. Amusement parks, like Cedar Point, in particular, have rules regarding riders who are not allowed on the slingshot ride. Riders need at least two extremities, either arms or legs. You can’t ride this ride if you have any full casts or neck brace. All amusement parks also warn that larger riders may not be able to fit on the ride. Also, the combined weight of both people needs to be at least 110 pounds. Most amusement parks have height requirements, like Carowinds’ requirement of 49 to 79 inches. If you fulfill the requirements and feel the need for speed, this ride is a great choice. Most customers love the experience and feel the price is worth the fun and unique experience.
If you are looking for a great way to feel like a projectile, the slingshot ride is a fun and very popular choice. There are lots of great places to go on this ride, and guests love the adrenaline-pumping experience. It may not be the tallest or fastest, but it’s a fun and unique way to fly through the air. Trying out this ride is much easier than most because it is available in many locations. This fast-paced adventure is a great way to feel an adrenaline rush in a compact two-person ride. If your idea of fun includes speeds up to 100 mph, then the slingshot ride is perfect for you. Whether you love fast-paced rides, tall rides or unexpected turns, the slingshot ride has it all. There are lots of videos recording some of the more extreme reactions to this ride, and you can purchase your own video to show off either your brave, stoic reaction or your terrified face. You’ll finally know what it’s like to be a human projectile.
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