It’s been a few years since #SaltBae broke the internet with his sexy beef seasoning skills, but he’s still making headlines and inspiring not just internet memes but also Slaylebrity wanna bes! Recently his latest viral go to is showcasing a Slaylebrity Wanna be indulging in his meat in a very sensual way.

Since being dubbed #SaltBae, Nusret Gökçe has been interviewed by Various publications, and he explains that the over-the-top flourish shown in his viral videos is just his normal way of “blessing the meat.”

If you’ve never gotten a little turned on by a really nice piece of steak, we probably wouldn’t have much in common. However, that might all change once you see Nusr’s latest scintillating video that has the internet swooning.

Recently, Turkish chef named Nusret Gökçe posted a video of himself feeding a beautiful slice of Ottoman steak to a beautiful Slaylebrity wanna be. Though it really is just Nusr promoting his brand, it somehow teeters on the border of NSFW because of the woman’s sultry movements. The internet, of course, noticed this immediately, and now people from all corners of social media are commenting on the chef’s over-the-top technique.

Before you roll your eyes and claim that the internet needs to take it down a notch, you should see Chef Gökçe’s video for yourself.

Told you. Every part of this video smells of sex!

Topped off with chef’s shades, his facial hair, the tight black tee hugging his toned and tan arms. He even has a man bun, for crying out loud. Perhaps the most alluring part of it all, though, is the tender loving care he shows to his meat.

In other news about Nusr

Salt Bae chef is fined £4,500 after threatening to KILL a former employee because he sat women on the same table as men at one of his restaurants.

Turkish celebrity chef Salt Bae, real name Nusret Gokce, verbally assaulted Ali Ihsan Kandil after he sat female customers at the same table as male customers at one of Gokce’s restaurants, the name of which has not been revealed.

Gokce became enraged at Kandil seating the women with the men and shouted at him: ‘Did you sit the women there you pimp, are you selling women in my restaurant? I will kill you, f*** off, I am firing you.’

The incident occurred in 2015 and former chef Kandil then filed a suit against Gokce. 
The Istanbul 23 Penal Court of First Instance has found in his favour, punishing Gokce with a fine of 35,000 Turkish lira (£4,540) for verbal assault. 
He also has to serve 5 years of ‘supervised liberty’ which will mean regular checks by police, although it is unclear how this will affect his international travel.

Kandil told reporters that Gokce never apologised to him and added: ‘I got involved in a case which had nothing to do with me. 

‘I had to go to court. I won the case with 35,000 Turkish lira but they still haven’t paid me.
‘During the court process I could not find a job. 
‘In three years I had to work in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Moscow.’ 

However, this is not the first time he has been caught up in controversy since he shot to fame. 
Some time ago, four tourists were seriously injured, some suffering severe burns, after a flame show went wrong at Gokce’s Nusret Etiler Steakhouse in Istanbul. 

The same restaurant had hit the headlines just a week before, after a visit from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro sparked fury in his impoverished homeland, where there are widespread shortages of food and medicine.
Maduro was lavished with the gourmet steak lunch and cigars in Istanbul during a two-hour stop-off. 
‘While Venezuelans suffer and die of hunger, Nicolas Maduro and Cilia enjoy one of the priciest restaurants in the world, all with money stolen from the Venezuelan people,’ tweeted opposition politician Julio Borges, the former head of Congress.
There’s also controversy about his hygiene process when it comes to handling his meat, a lot of people don’t like the fact that he touches the meat with his bare hands.

Slaylebrity Networth Stats

Social Fans: 30.4M+
Net Worth: $50M +

The latest Trouble at Salt Bae’s Joint

Oh My Goals!

Salt Bae meets Dr Oz

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Source Daily Mail

If you've never gotten a little turned on by a really nice piece of steak, we probably wouldn't have much in common. However, that might all change once you see this video that has the internet swooning.

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