Alright, let’s get one thing straight here. I’m not one to go around bashing people’s fashion choices, but when it comes to Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, I just can’t help but wonder what in the world is going on with their wardrobes. Seriously, these two look like they stepped right out of an Oblivion movie and not in a good way.

Let’s start with Kanye. I mean, where do I even begin? The man looks like he’s perpetually stuck in some futuristic fashion nightmare. I swear, half the time he looks like he’s wearing a trash bag, while the other half he’s trying to channel his inner Robin Hood with those oversized hoodies and ripped sweatpants. And don’t even get me started on those ridiculous shutter shades he used to wear. It’s like he’s trying to be some sort of dystopian fashion icon, but it’s just not working for me.

And then there’s Bianca. I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s definitely not afraid to show off her curves, but I just can’t understand why she always looks like she just stepped out of the gym. I mean, leggings and crop tops are great for working out, but for everyday wear? Come on, Bianca. And don’t even get me started on those skin-tight bodysuits that look like they were spray-painted on. It’s like she’s trying to prove a point that she can wear as little fabric as possible, and I just don’t get it.

But the real question here is, why? Why do Kanye and Bianca insist on looking like they belong in some alternate reality? It’s like they’re trying to make a statement with their fashion choices, but all it’s doing is making them look like they’re trying way too hard.

I get it, fashion is subjective and everyone has their own unique style. But there’s a fine line between being fashion-forward and just plain outlandish. And I think it’s safe to say that Kanye and Bianca have crossed that line more times than I can count.

I know, I know, they’re Slaylebrities and they can wear whatever they want. But that doesn’t mean they’re immune from criticism. And honestly, I think it’s time someone called them out on their questionable fashion sense.

Now, I’m not saying that Kanye and Bianca have never had their moments of style. There have been times when they’ve managed to pull off some pretty impressive looks. But those moments are few and far between, and it seems like lately they’ve just been getting worse and worse.

Maybe it’s all just a ploy for attention. After all, we all know how much Kanye loves to be in the spotlight. But I have to wonder, at what cost? Is it really worth sacrificing your dignity for a few extra paparazzi shots?

I guess at the end of the day, it’s all about personal taste. But personally, I can’t help but cringe every time I see Kanye and Bianca strutting their stuff in their otherworldly ensembles.

So, Kanye, Bianca, if you happen to stumble upon this post, I urge you to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves, “Do I really want to keep looking like I just stepped out of an Oblivion movie?” Because, let’s be real, there are much better ways to make a fashion statement than by looking like you belong in a sci-fi flick.

To wrap this up, Kanye and Bianca’s fashion choices are nothing short of a disaster. It’s time for them to reevaluate their wardrobes and start dressing in something a little more grounded in reality. Otherwise, they’re just going to keep looking like they belong in a world that’s lightyears away from the rest of us. And that’s a fashion no-no if I’ve ever seen one.

Slaylebrity Net Worth Stats
Social fans : 18.6 Million
EST Net Worth: $400 million









With her tushi hanging out ok! Why do Kanye and Bianca insist on looking like they belong in some alternate reality?

It’s like they’re trying to make a statement with their fashion choices, but all it’s doing is making them look like they’re trying way too hard.

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