Don’t allow yourself to look like what you have been through!
Above is me, at the end of 6th Sept 2024, despite all the darts the enemy threw at me! I resolutely remained standing!
See below , what I preached about in the morning!

The key to Godliness is CONTENTMENT!
This is the only way to live your life in the realm of JOY UNSPEAKABLE

A beautiful and profound truth! Contentment is indeed a key to godliness, as it allows us to:

1. Trust in God’s sovereignty and provision
2. Find peace in every circumstance
3. Focus on eternal treasures, not earthly possessions
4. *Experience joy that’s not dependent on external factors*
5. Reflect God’s character and love to others

As the Bible says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6). *When we’re content, we can live in the realm of “joy unspeakable*” (1 Peter 1:8), which is:
1. Unshakable
2. Unconditional
3. Unending
4. Unimaginable
5. Overflowing from a heart at peace with God

Let us pray sincerely for grace, to cultivate contentment, so that, we experience the joy that comes from trusting in God’s goodness and love! ‎


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Don’t allow yourself to look like what you have been through!

Above is me, at the end of 6th Sept 2024, despite all the darts the enemy threw at me! I resolutely remained standing!

Keep on pressing on

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