I’m in the midst of writing business plans and designing new products for our future re-launch of the Eternal Child. We are evolving and transforming into a new chapter and it is both an exciting and excruciatingly long and painful experience – to say the least. No one ever tells you, that to be a creative comes with so much extra work and indecision. I have been learning and growing as an artist for the past century and finding my true identity in this world of creativity. So as I sit here- day upon day – writing, researching and designing – I place myself back in the midst of a beautiful table – lost in the sequoia national forest- where I find true inspiration. For its moments like these that push me to the future.

Gather Beautifully

The barn

This past weekend I took 14 friends with me to a 190 acre ranch, tucked away in the foot hills of the Sequoia National Park.   We stayed for 3 days in a renovated barn that resides next to a bustling river and shared life with chickens, donkey's, horses and cows, peacocks, pups and the friendliest little kittens you've ever met.  I invited my friends to come escape to the country side with me to celebrate love, nature ad the coming of new age - my 30th birthday. I have been dreaming of organizing this kind of retreat since I can remember.  To come together with likeminded souls - to create and exist  under one roof and in such a beautiful place is simply perfect.    We began our mornings in a group with yoga and meditation, we explored the river and loved on the animals, we made flower crowns and played silly games. 

Source: The eternal child

The stunning table

We prepared food together and sat at a long table to enjoy it.  We lived together and bonded, and took away all of the distractions to just be present.  It was a beautiful thing.  I could have stayed forever... or at least a few more days.   I want to make these kind of retreats a more regular thing.  For one I love planning them.  

An inspirational environment

Creating an inspirational environment for people, especially artists is so important to me.  I know, for myself, it is vital to escape the day to day and get into nature, surround myself with like-minded beings and just exist.  That is where happiness resides.  I dream of a future filled with such experiences and I hope the universe will give me the pieces to create it for my community.   

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