Lavish mommy and me look

Slay Network offers a wide variety of extravagant lavish and fashionable clothing for you and your mini diva.

Slay Network mommy and me styles are nothing short of extraordinary. The slay Network makes it easy to shop for both of you at the same time! Whether you want to match with your daughter or you simply like the styles on offer at slay Network you can find something for you and your little one all at slay bambinis.

You’ll certainly love this gorgeous blue green mermaid matching look.

Whether you are buying for both of you or just one, this style is always fashionable and trendy, allowing you to always find the best styles for you and your little one.

Mom: $4135
Bambini: $1272
Mom jewellery set: $825
Bambini jewellery set: $825
Mom Headwear: $829
bambini sunglasses: $2695
babmini silver embellished shoes: $5088

All prices include complimentary worldwide shipping.


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Looking for something else? click Here:Luxurious kids wear.

We are a little lavish we must admit

Lavish mommy and me look

Jasmine ain't gat nothin on me

Lavish mommy and me look

Little lavish me!

Lavish mommy and me look

Soo cute

Lavish mommy and me look


Lavish mommy and me look

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