Alright, winners of the world, gather around! Anyone who tells you that age is a barrier has never met me. I’m 70 years young, and I’ve been traipsing around California like a lion on a conquest, now tearing up the streets of Phoenix. Listen, most people think when you hit a certain age, you’ve got to sit down, sip tea, and talk about “the good old days.” I say no to that.

Just checked into the hotel, dripping with the sweat and glory of a marathon trip. You know that feeling when you collapse on that bed after traveling all day? It’s a warrior’s rest. Each ache and pain is a medal of honor, a testament to the battles won on the road. I finally get what people mean when they say, “I’ve been traveling all day.” But let me tell you something – I still love every minute of it, even at 70.

Caught up with my husband’s cousin Sunny in Los Angeles. We didn’t meet to reminisce about dead memories, but to forge new ones. We laughed, we roared, we conquered. The world has no expiration date for those who keep pushing their limits. Remember that.

This year has been nothing short of phenomenal. Each moment has been a new anecdote, a new layer adding to the richer tapestry of my extraordinary life. I’m thankful beyond words. There’s a simple joy in waking up in a new city, in meeting new warriors of life, in tasting the unknown.

Many would shun this life, would dread the rigors of constant movement at my age. They would let society’s narratives box them in, dictate their capabilities. But I reject that. I am the master of my fates, the captain of my destiny. 70 is just a number, a checkpoint, not a finish line.

I met barriers, limitations, discomfort. Like the ancient samurais who sliced through enemies, I sliced through these challenges with passion and fervor. Age didn’t slow me, it emboldened me. Strength lies not in the years behind, but in the fire within. I’ve kept my blaze roaring, and it fuels my every step, my every adventure, my every conquest.

Next time someone tells you, “You’re too old for that,” laugh in their face. They are cowards, defeated by a number. I have lived, I live, and I will continue to live gallantly, ferociously.

Phoenix, you’re just one more chapter in this epic saga of mine. Bring it on.

Remember, my pinky Prof tribe, life is not about counting the years; it’s about making the years count. At 70, I’m still out here, still moving, still living to the fullest. And so can you. Now, it’s your turn to defy the odds, shred limitations, and claim your throne.

Stay Hard.
Stay Resilient.
Live Boldly.

Pinky Prof’s Path en Espirit,
A Traveler at 70.

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I finally get what people mean when they say, I’ve been traveling all day.

But let me tell you something – I still love every minute of it, even at 70.

Caught up with my husband’s cousin Sunny in Los Angeles. We didn’t meet to reminisce about dead memories, but to forge new ones. We laughed, we roared, we conquered. The world has no expiration date for those who keep pushing their limits. Remember that.

Heading off to UPEN

Smiling like a cheshire cat LoL

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