Understanding why men often think that jet set babes are too high maintenance can be broken down into a few core ideas.

# This is Why Men Think Jet Set Babes Are Too High Maintenance

*By School of Affluence*

Listen up, gentlemen. It’s time to address a phenomenon that every high-value man has encountered at least once in his journey: the jet set babe. You know the type. These women flaunt their first-class tickets and exotic vacations all over social media. They’re in Paris one week, sipping cocktails on a beach in Bali the next. It’s an alluring lifestyle, no doubt. But why do so many men think these jet set babes are too high maintenance? Let’s break it down.

## The Illusion of Luxury

First and foremost, let’s dispel the myth of perpetual luxury that these women project. While it might look like they’re living the dream 24/7, much of it is just smoke and mirrors. There’s always a price to pay, and trust me, they expect men to foot the bill. You think she’s worth thousands of dollars in exotic locations and haute couture clothing? Wrong. It’s nothing but an illusion—a carefully curated one to attract attention and resources.

## The Expectation Game

Here’s a harsh truth: these women are accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and they expect the men in their lives to maintain it. They’re not traveling coach and staying in budget hotels. They’re in first class, at five-star resorts, dining at Michelin-starred restaurants. Their expectations skyrocket to a point that most men can’t even begin to comprehend. If you can’t keep up, you’re instantly labeled as substandard.

## The Financial Drain

Dating a jet set babe isn’t just a financial commitment; it’s financial servitude. These women aren’t content with a simple dinner date or a weekend getaway. They want experiences that blow their social media followers away. Before you know it, you’re drained—financially and emotionally. You’re not a partner; you’re their personal ATM.

## The Competition

Now, there’s nothing wrong with competition, but it’s a whole different ball game when you’re constantly competing with the world. When you’re dating a jet set babe, you’re not only competing with other high-value men, but also with the very lifestyle she portrays. Her Instagram might fool you into believing she’s a laid-back, down-to-earth person, but the reality is far from it. Every ‘like’ and comment reinforces her sense of entitlement and unreal expectations.

## The Emperor’s New Clothes

The superficiality of a jet set lifestyle is something that can’t be ignored. While they may seem glamorous on the outside, many of these women lack substance. They’ve invested so much in their outer appearance and lifestyle that there’s often little depth beneath the surface. When the cosmetic glow and superficial glamour fade, you’re often left with someone who’s more concerned about her next trip than building a meaningful relationship.

## To wrap this up

So why do men think jet set babes are too high maintenance? It’s simple: because they are. These women project an unsustainable lifestyle and expect men to sustain it for them. They drain your finances, time, and emotional well-being. You’re left competing not just with other men, but with an entire lifestyle. So next time you’re enticed by the appeal of a jet set babe, remember: not all that glitters is gold.

Stay strong, stay vigilant, and know your worth.

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They're not traveling coach and staying in budget hotels. They're in first class, at five-star resorts, dining at Michelin-starred restaurants. Their expectations skyrocket to a point that most men can’t even begin to comprehend. If you can't keep up, you're instantly labeled as substandard.

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