My grandmother had a sentence :don’t do stuff alone that you won’t do in public because you may forget yourself one day in public
It’s not always about money or acting like you better then someone, it’s about how you respect yourself and know your worth and expressing that through your actions.

You should have etiquette even when no one is looking

My dad always says “a family that eats together stays together”. And we aren’t allowed to even have our mobiles/tablets with us or near us in the dining room. This is always a great time to catch up with each other and help the little ones learn table manners…
Let’s talk about good manners at home and whether you should let yourself go just because you’re behind close doors. In the video, I discuss at-home etiquette and why it’s so helpful in reaching your goals in the long run.

Till the next slay time!

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My grandmother had a sentence :don't do stuff alone that you won't do in public because you may forget yourself one day in public

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