Something is happening your kids are 100 % being groomed and you may not even know it.

The downfall of the greatest country can only be attributed to its fall in societal norms and cultural values.

Be careful of what they are learning in schools and what they read in books.

It’s sad to say but going to the library must be supervised PERIOD.

Books are one of the greatest sources of knowledge and entertainment for people of all ages. For children, books can be a wonderful tool to help them learn new words, develop their imagination, and explore different perspectives. However, it is essential to be careful about the books we allow our kids to read, as some books may have a negative impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

Here are some TIPS to consider when choosing books for your children:

Age-appropriate content:
It is crucial to consider the age of your child when selecting books. Some books may contain themes, language, or images that are not appropriate for younger children. For instance, books that contain graphic violence, sex, or drug use may not be suitable for young children. Be sure to read the book yourself before giving it to your child to ensure that it is appropriate for their age.

Positive representation:
Books that promote diversity and positive representation can have a significant impact on children’s self-esteem and worldview. It is essential to choose books that align with your values.

Educational value:
Books can be an excellent way to teach children about different subjects, from history and science to social issues and cultural diversity. Choose books that are both entertaining and educational to help your child learn and grow but do not allow any egragious ideaological books near your kid.

Author reputation:
The reputation of the author is also an essential consideration when selecting books for your child. Research the author to ensure that they have a good reputation and have not been involved in any controversial or problematic issues. This can help ensure that the book is not promoting harmful or problematic ideas.

Parental supervision:
Finally, it is essential to supervise your child’s reading and engage in discussions about the books they are reading. This can help you monitor what your child is exposed to and help them process any difficult or confusing topics that may arise.

In conclusion, books can be an excellent tool for children’s learning and growth. However, it is essential to be careful about the books we allow our kids to read. By considering age-appropriate content, positive representation, educational value, author reputation, and parental supervision, we can help our children develop a love for reading while ensuring their mental and emotional well-being.








The downfall of the greatest country can only be attributed to its fall in societal norms and cultural values

It's imperative you watch this ASAP

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