We’ve curated a list of the most Luxurious dog houses in the world. But first what’s a Dog House.
Can you imagine a dog house with running water, lights and AC?

A doghouse or dogshed is a small shed commonly built in the shape of a house, a shelter intended for a dog. It is a structure in which a dog is
kept and it is intended to provide a safe place to dogs outdoors.Everyone loves their dog, but some people take it to the extreme. Here are 20 of
the world’s most luxurious dog houses.

So here is a list of  Luxury Dog Houses

1. Haciendawg

$30,000 luxury hacienda in Los Angeles, California.
The hoomans only wish they could squeeze through the front door.

Most Luxurious Dog Houses

Most Luxurious Dog Houses



















2. The Hunderhaus Cubix

The builders adopted the Bauhaus approach to design: identify the user’s needs and then scientifically develop a dwelling that addresses them.

20 Most Luxurious Dog Houses

20 Most Luxurious Dog Houses














3. Victorian Dog House

This Victorian-style doggie mansion cost a cool $20,000 to build. It’s home to three fabulous dogs, Chelsea, Darla, and Coco Puff.

Most Luxurious Dog Houses

Most Luxurious Dog Houses














We’ve shared a video from Talltanic Youtube Page. Enjoy…



Credit: stories.barkpost.com

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