**If It’s Not Legendary, It’s Not Worth Posting**

Listen up, you keyboard warriors and wannabe influencers. One thing separates the men from the boys, the legends from the average: **Greatness**. In this digital jungle, if you’re not making waves, you’re drowning in mediocrity. Here’s the TRUTH: If it’s not legendary, it’s not worth posting.

First off, check your intent. Why are you grinding? Some of you post for attention, validation, or worse, a few likes that mean absolutely nothing. Screw that. If you’re not changing the game, why play it? I’ve built empires from the ground up with my bare hands, while most of you can’t even conquer your morning alarm. The difference? Vision and execution.

Cold reality check: followers don’t equate to influence. The number of followers you have is irrelevant if they don’t worship the ground you walk on. Every post, every tweet, every video needs to echo through the halls of digital Rome like a battle cry. Look at legends—Musk, Rogan, Gates—they’re not in it for the dopamine hits from likes; they’re in it to leave a goddamn legacy.

The blueprint is simple. Content has to do one of two things: **Educate** or **Entertain**. Mix ’em, and you’ve got fireworks. But remember, the status quo was designed for losers. Saying what’s been said a million times ain’t gonna cut it. You need to break molds, shatter conventions, and for God’s sake, be **unapologetically YOU**.

Here’s the kicker: to create legendary content, you’ve gotta be living a legendary life. No one posts from their mom’s basement about mundane crap and expects to go viral. Real legends have stories that need telling—tales of risk, triumph, failure, and rebirth. Whatever your weapon of choice—words, pictures, videos—make sure it bleeds authenticity.

Embrace controversy. Look, you’ll never please everyone—and that’s glorious. Safe bets yield boring results. Don’t pander. Forget the haters and focus on those who get electrified by your presence. You think I rose to the top by avoiding the uncomfortable? Hell no. I face discomfort straight in the eye and laugh. **BE FEARLESS**.

Consistency? Non-negotiable. Legendary status isn’t achieved overnight. You grind daily, without fail, and keep pushing boundaries. You innovate, you iterate, and you never back down. Criticism? Laugh it off. Let others’ limitations fuel your fire. Remember, the sheep will always try to pull the wolf down to their level.

And here’s another truth bomb: Collins’ Masterwork is overrated. If you’re not mastering connections, business, and relentless self-improvement, you’re wasting bandwidth. Content that stands the test of time is born from proficiency and a hunger for more.

To all the hustlers, dreamers, and warriors out there, if your content doesn’t scream ambition, power, and dominance, it’s not worthy of your time. Each post should reflect your journey from mortal to myth. Stop aiming for average and start commanding attention.

Legendary or nothing. That’s the creed. That’s the aim. Now get out there and raise the damn stakes.

— School of Affluence concierge

Join my billionaire club here









Each post should reflect your journey from mortal to myth. No one posts from their mom's basement about mundane crap and expects to go viral. The status quo was designed for losers. Saying what’s been said a million times ain’t gonna cut it. You need to break molds, shatter conventions, and for God's sake, be **unapologetically YOU**.

Legendary or nothing. That’s the creed.

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