Not Everyone Is Your Audience 
Getting random people to be your friends or followers is absolutely insane. I see people who have thousands of friends on their profile, they have made the maximum number of friends and have no idea who these people are. And not only does this slow down your algorithm, it’s bad for your business.

And you’ve probably noticed too, that they’re not responding to your posts. They have no idea who you are. They don’t relate to your posts. 

So they sit quietly, and Facebook thinks you create bad content, and no one wants to read it. That’s why it doesn’t show it to anyone. 

Stop Sending Random Messages
Sending random messages, copied and pasted, that your boss may have given you, to people you barely know – it doesn’t work on Social Media anymore.

You send new people you’ve just added to your friends or followers list a message about your opportunity after you’ve said “hello”, or without even saying “hello”, without finding out who the person is, or if they even need your opportunity.

You end up getting rejected, ignored, some people even block you and you never find out about it. And in fact, I got blocked on social media, and that’s how I started looking for other ways to build my business.

Who do you want to work with?
Who are the people you really want to work with? What qualities do they have?

For example, I want to work with people who are motivated, dreamy, not afraid to step out of their comfort zone, ready for long-term relationships and willing to be mentors. These are my ideal prospects, and these are the people I want to work with.

So, it’s important to know, who you want to work with in order to know, who you do NOT want to work with.

And once you know exactly who you want to work with, you need to find out the next important question – what do these people want.

What does your audience want?
What are their dreams, their desires, and what are their pains and difficulties?

If I want to attract someone motivated and someone who is willing to work, I know that their dream is to get a second stream of income, to have flexibility, freedom of time, not to spend all day copying and pasting messages or helping strangers. 

It’s their struggle, and it’s their dream.

I understand this as I was once one of those people.

So, once you figure out who you want to work with and where these people hang out on social media, and we actually teach you step by step in some of our courses where you can find out who these people are, how to engage them on social media and where they hang out.

Create content that serves your prospects
What you need to start doing on Social Media now is what works like hotcakes – creating content that serves your people.

What can you post on social media today to talk to the person you want to engage, the person you want to work with and the person you want to engage?

And I’m not going to tell you WHAT to post, because your person is different from mine.

This is something you have to do by yourself, you have to think about it and understand it.

And yes, it will be uncomfortable in the beginning, because you have never done it before, but once you understand it, you will be unstoppable, and you will become a magnet for your perfect potential prospects.

Build Relations and Connect with People
We also teach how to create similar posts in our courses and in our higher level communities.

And we move on to something that many marketers ignore, which is relationship building.

Now I see that some marketers are making an effort to build relationships, but they’re doing it wrong.

They send me greetings, ask about the weather, kids and some of the pictures on my profile.

Yes, they seem to genuinely care about me, but after two or three messages back and forth, they drop me their opportunity: getting on the zoom or clicking a link without even asking me, if I want it.

So don’t build a relationship with hidden agendas only to then target someone as a client.

This is not going to work.

It creates embarrassment, when people find out that you have written them a message, asked and praised them only to then throw them your opportunity.

It doesn’t work anymore.

So in order to attract rock stars, you need to build relationships on a human level.

And that’s where a lot of people get stuck.

I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t know how to build relationships at all, either on Social Media or in real life. I’m very much an introvert, and I don’t even know how to start a conversation.

It was with me a few years ago, when I decided: “You know what, that has to change. I have to learn how to build relationships with people.”

And I’m the kind of person who hates small talk, who hates talking to people on messenger about the weather and dogs, and things like that. I want to get straight to the business.

How to communicate?
And I realized, how to communicate with people on Messenger, where I am a real person, who cares about other people, but at the same time I become very attractive to them, because I know what their pains and desires are, and I know how to talk to these people, because they are my perfect prospects.

They are the people I want to work with.

So, one of my ninja tactics for building relationships on Social Media effortlessly is Video.

Even if I show up right now and talk to you, it’s already passive relationship building for me, between me and you. (By the way, you can watch my live on the tab in the article)

I don’t need to go on Messenger, if I don’t want to. I can just show up and make a video, talk about whatever I want to talk about, and it builds the relationship much faster.

And I can’t tell you how many times people on my calendar have turned up, said they wanted to join my team, and I had no idea who the person was. They all watched my videos and thus interacted with me. They commented and contacted me themselves.

And this person says to me, “I feel like I already know you. I’ve watched all your videos, I’ve been following you for two months, and now I’m ready. So please tell me, what do I need to do to join your team?”

So take a look at how your Social Media outreach of 10 minutes a day or even a week can build your relationship with your audience on autopilot, which will become a very powerful skill set.

And we move on to the last piece of advice. And this is one of my favorites.

It’s micro-content. For those who don’t know, it’s short videos.

Something between 7 and 30 seconds. It doesn’t take a lot of time. The whole process will only take a minute of your time a day, and you can create an accurate message for your ideal audience and customers that will attract them and get them to go to DM. 

7-Second Domination Formula
That’s what really changed my business, because I didn’t have a lot of time to create content and all sorts of videos, although I created it. I was dreaming about the freedom of time.

So, for those people who are ready to take their business to the next level and start intentionally building a Social Media presence, and start engaging with their potential customers, we have an incredible platform that will help you Dominate the online world.

In this platform you’ll get access to a professional team who understand content marketing like no mans business.

They know how to win over your perfect prospects in less than a year, how to become engaging with them, how to make them stop scrolling their feed just on your publication… What to use, what to say, and how to communicate with people once they’ve captured their attention!

You are now thinking, “This is exactly what I need!”

Then click on the link HERE to find out more information and try it out for yourself.








Not Everyone Is Your Audience  Getting random people to be your friends or followers is absolutely insane

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