The Bush sisters Jenna and Barbara generously shared their letter to outgoing first daughters Sasha and Malia Obama yesterday. This morning, they released photos of the Obama girls’ first visit to the White House on November 18, 2008 via the Today Show.

They are peak cute:

and the perfect visual accompaniment to the Bush girls’ words. As Jenna and Barbara reflected in their letter, on that day:
We greeted you on the steps of the White House. We saw both the light and wariness in your eyes as you gazed at your new home. We left our jobs in Baltimore and New York early and traveled to Washington to show you around. To show you the Lincoln Bedroom, and the bedrooms that were once ours, to introduce you to all the people—the florists, the grounds-keepers and the butlers—who dedicate themselves to making this historic house a home. The four of us wandered the majestic halls of the house you had no choice but to move in to. When you slid down the banister of the solarium, just as we had done as 8-year-olds and again as 20-year-olds chasing our youth, your joy and laughter were contagious.

Source Harper’s Bazaar

How the young have grown

Sasha in the White House movie theatre

Malia Banister Sliding

First day at the white house

Sasha about to have a go as well

The Obamas getting oriented

Looks like Mr President was already on duty at this point

Malia looking shocked

At the size of her new room no doubt

Sasha waving to the world excitedly

First day at the White House memories

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