This is how to achieve the level up lifestyle and how to dress accordingly.

In the world of jet set babes, it’s not about how much you spend. It’s about how you spend your money.

Jet set babes know that they don’t need to spend a lot to look expensive. They know that they can find luxury brands at affordable prices and use their wealth to buy what they want, when they want it. They are not afraid to experiment with new trends, styles or even colors because it’s all about finding the balance between what is affordable and what is luxurious.

I’ve been able to get my wardrobe to look expensive simply by only purchasing natural fabrics- cotton, linen, cashmere, wool, etc. You can find really good quality items for good prices if you just look. Also buying second hand, I’ve gotten wool, silk and cashmere items second hand with tags still on, like on eBay or thread up.
Till the next slay time!

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I’ve been able to get my wardrobe to look expensive simply by only purchasing natural fabrics- cotton, linen, cashmere, wool, etc. You can find really good quality items for good prices if you just look

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