Its a beautiful rainy day and the perfect time to wind down with a warm cup of tea and get organised for the week ahead. Whilst scrolling through my Instagram, I came across this mink lash cleaning tutorial by @fiercesociety, and it was just what I was waiting for. Prior to this discovery, I’d been bothered by how dirty my lashes were as I’d been afraid to clean them for fear of ruining them. This tutorial was my saving grace! Watch the tutorial with the link below, and I hope it helps you a much as it helped me!

P.S. As an added step I decided to use a little bit of conditioner on them just to boost and recover their natural lustre and shine. Just collect a tiny drop of your favourite hair conditioner and gently apply on the damp lashes with a q-tip. Leave to rest for about a minute and gently rinse off. Try not to put the lashes directly under a running faucet as this may ruin the hair patterns.

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Stay Slayin!



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