You’re hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. The most powerful bank in the world is after you. Your company is facing bankruptcy. And there’s no way out. Or is there?
In this video, I’m going to put you in the shoes of Xiang Guangda (she-awhhh Guan-da) – a man who bet against the world… And crashed an entire market doing so.
Imagine this. You’re a powerful Chinese Industrialist. Over your 60-year lifespan, you’ve built yourself up from a car door manufacturer in Eastern China into the world’s most dominant nickel producer. Your holdings stretch all over Asia. And your reputation for putting it all on the line has earned you the nickname ‘Big Shot.’
Now, it’s early 2022 – and you’re about to make one of your biggest bets yet. Over the last few months you’ve built up a massive short position on nickel. But why would you bet against the very asset you produce….?