For the jet set babe who is looking to level up, there are a few books that can help you on your journey. From the Affluent School of Affluence to books about luxury concierge services and developing an expensive taste, these books will provide you with the knowledge and tools to become a more sophisticated and wealthy individual. From learning how to develop elegance and extravagance with money, these books will help you reach your goals of becoming a jet set babe.

Are you a jet-set babe who loves to explore the world? You probably have heard the famous saying, ‘a well-travelled person is a wise person.’ While this is true, you don’t just need to get out and explore the world to gain wisdom. Reading books can help you level up as a jet-set babe.

Here are some books that every jet-set babe should read to level up:

1. Speak Up: The Key To Talking About Anything With Power and Confidence by Mara Kofoed: If you’re a jet-set babe, chances are you’re often in situations that require you to communicate your ideas and engage with people from different backgrounds. Speak Up by author Mara Kofoed is the perfect read to help you become more self-assured in conversations. It teaches you how to speak in ways that will be clear and get your message across.

2. Winning in the Business of Life: 50 Years of Wisdom by Bob Proctor: Bob Proctor’s book is a must-read for any jet-set babe who is looking to make the most out of their life. It follows the journey of Proctor from his humble beginnings to becoming one of the world’s most sought after speakers and life coaches. The book is full of timeless wisdom on business and life, and it has been a go-to for successful people like Tony Robbins, Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey.

3. The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton: To add a bit of insight into your travels and make every destination more meaningful, The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton is a must-read. This book discusses how traveling can expand our horizons, how we can unlock the hidden stories in each place we visit, and how to make our journeys richer.

4. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: This bestselling book by Tim Ferriss is essential for any jet-set babe who wants to make the most of their time on the road. Learn how to minimize your working hours so that you have more time to explore and make the most of your travels. It also provides actionable steps to help you leverage technology and make your business more efficient—so you can start earning money even when you’re out on the road.

5. How to Live a Good Life by Jonathan Fields: This book provides practical steps and actionable advice to help you create a life that is in alignment with your individual goals and values. Understanding yourself and having a greater sense of self-awareness will put you in a better position to make the most out of all your travels and experiences.

Whether you’re a jet-set babe looking to make a difference in the world, an entrepreneur seeing the world to gain a better understanding of the global market, or just a regular traveler, these books will definitely help you level up and make the most out of your jet-setting life. So, get to reading!

Bonus books
The Lean Start up by Eric Ries
-The $100 Start up by Chris Guillebea
-The 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss
– The E-myth Revisited By Michael Gerber
– Good to Great by Jim Collins
– Start with why by Simon Sinek
– The Power Of Broke by Daymond John
– The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
– The Power of Intentional Leadership By John C Maxwell
– The power of habit by Charles Duhigg
– The $1000 Project by Chris Guillebeau
– The power of Networking by Dr. Ivan Misner
– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
– The One thing by Gary Keller and Jay Rapasan
– Crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk








Define your goals Dear!

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