Alright, listen up! I’m dropping a truth bomb that’s going to shatter your makeup routine forever. I used to be a die-hard MAC addict—yes, you heard it right. I worshipped at the altar of that iconic brand like it was my day job. But let’s put the breaks on that fanfare because I’ve had a wake-up call and it’s louder than a megaphone at a heavy metal concert.

We’re talking about skin here, people. This isn’t some trivial detail you can brush off like that annoying salesperson at the department store. MAC foundation had me looking okayish, sure, but at what cost? My skin was throwing SOS signals like it was stuck on a deserted island. Breakouts, irritations, and a texture that felt more ‘desert wasteland’ than ‘silky smooth’.

This isn’t some fairy tale; there’s no witch or apple putting my skin to sleep. It was all MAC, baby. And let me tell you, the awakening was rough. I ditched the liquid facade for powders—anything to keep it light, anything to let my skin breathe like it finished a 5K run. And that was my life—until a plot twist you didn’t see coming.

Enter Slay Beauty. Cue the choir, hit the lights; it’s showtime and this creamy matte foundation deserves the spotlight. It’s like that scene from a spy movie where the tech genius whips out the gadget you thought was pure science fiction. This matte foundation rocked up to my daily grind and it was love at first swipe. We’re not talking about that cakey, “Hey, look at me—I’m wearing foundation!” No. This is the undercover agent of makeup. It goes unnoticed, but damn does it work hard.

You want to talk about a flawless finish for an everyday look? This marvel is like Photoshop for your face. It’s matte, but not that matte that sucks the life out of you—more like the ‘I just happen to be perfect’ vibe. It’s like you’re not wearing anything, but you’re also effortlessly slaying the game.

So why the switch? Because this isn’t just about looking good. It’s about respect—respect for your skin, respect for your everyday hustle, and respect for the masterpiece that’s your face. Slay Beauty gets it. They get that we’re out here trying to conquer the world without our skin waving the white flag in surrender.

So goodbye MAC; it’s been real. These days, I’m all in with Slay Beauty’s recommended classic touch. It’s like a mic drop in the makeup world, and I’m here to deliver the encore.

If you’re sick of makeup that treats your face like a canvas for a toddler’s finger painting, get on board. This isn’t a fad or a phase—it’s a revolution. Pave the way and let your skin bask in the glory that is Slay Beauty’s recommended matte foundation.

End of story. Drop the mic—I’mout.

If you want it you can get it at N72,000 from slay beauty at
The set comes with matte cream foundation, concealer , setting powder and daily use powder.

I've had a wake-up call and it's louder than a megaphone at a heavy metal concert. You want to talk about a flawless finish for an everyday look? This marvel is like Photoshop for your face. It's matte, but not that matte that sucks the life out of you—more like the 'I just happen to be perfect' vibe. It's like you're not wearing anything, but you're also effortlessly slaying the game.

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