Long before she became a lawyer, a fashion designer, or the glamorous “Persian Barbie” of Bravo’s Shahs of Sunset reality series, Lilly Ghalichi was just a little gal growin’ up in Texas with big ideas, big dreams and less big boobies. Before changing her name to Lilly, this now 30-year-old Shahntrepreneur went by Neelufar Seyed Ghalichi and we’ve managed to piece together a rough bio in honor of her celebrating her 30th birthday on tonight’s Season 3 premiere of Shahs! (Complete with adorable childhood picsof course.)
As I mentioned above, little Neelufar grew up in Texas near Houston. According to online records, her parents Sadegh Ghalichi and Forough Mohammadi (now Ghalichi) were married in January of 1980 in Harris County, Texas. Sadegh and Forough have three children with the oldest being son Mohammad Ghalichi, middle daughter Yassamin Ghalichi, and the youngest is Neelufar (Lilly) Ghalichi.
See a photo of all three Ghalichi siblings playing in a fountain below.
Lilly shared the photo on her blog and humbly captioned it, “I’m pretty sure they’re laughing AT me and not with me!!”
Lilly described her childhood photo by writing, “Kindergarden. I insisted on buying my own clothes and doing my own hair. Nothing’s really changed — big hair, lace dresses, over the top accessories!!! #GhalichiGLAM” In the same Bravo gallery, Lilly added another post of her and her siblings having some water-themed fun with this next swimming pool pic that she captioned with, “My brother and sister played in the kiddie poolwith me in our backyard since I was too scared to get in the big pool!”
According to Classmates.com, Lilly graduated from Houston’s Langham Creek High School in 2001 and from there her LinkedIn profile picks up, revealing she graduated from the University of Texas at Austin’s Red McCombs School of Business with a business degree in 2005 before going on to get her law degree from Loyola Marymount University’ Loyola School of Law in 2008.
Many have speculated that Lilly Ghalichi has had plastic surgery, and she took to her blog last yearto clear up those rumors and reveal exactly what plastic surgery procedures she has and hasn’t had done:
For me personally, these are the surgeries I have done (and they are the ONLY surgeries I have done)
1. Breast Augmentation (more than once, I’ve had numerous complications)
2. Rhinoplasty (once)
These are things I am constantly accused of but have NOT had done:
1. Liposuction
2. Cheek Implants
3. Rib removal
4. Stomach band
5. Chin Implant
6. Tear Ducts (something to do with enhancing your cheeks apparently)
7. Butt Aumgentation
8. Lip Implants
I personally have nothing against plastic surgery, nor do I have a problem with those that are against it. I think it is a very personal decision and to each their own.
Will I get more plastic surgery in the future? Not anytime soon. Perhaps when I’m in my forties I will consider a breast lift, and my fifties a face lift.
The plastic surgery I did get was very young in my adult life. Like most young girls, I was insecure with myself, and my appearance. As a woman, I have found that the older I get, the more comfortable I am in my skin, and the more beautiful I feel. I think many women can relate to that and feel more confident with age.
I hope this clarifies everything to everyone and answers all your questions about what plastic surgery I have and have not done.
Prior to writing that post, Lilly went into elaborate detail on her blog about all of the complications she has had stemming from her breast augmentation surgeries — and it’s really startling to read! I commend her for sharing the information, as it seems to be an aspect of plastic surgery that doesn’t get discussed very often, and I recommend you all go check it out!
Right now this beauty Gal has 2.5 M followers on Instagram, a hair company called Bellami Hair. She’s also launched a fashion line, she has a new jewelry line and she has a lash line to go along with her swimgerie line.
Lilly Ghalichi is worth approximately $2.5 million, which is a nice chunk of change. She’s earned the vast majority of her income from her many different fashion lines, which is something that has called to her over the course of her life, even when she was in law school working to obtain her degree in law to become an attorney. She knows that law is just not where her passions are lying, and she’s following her dreams.