Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.
If you want to know if someone believes that what they want, they will get; observe their behavior. Many can articulate with ease what it is that they want for their lives. Their behavior, however, betrays their expectations every single time.
There never was a winner who didn’t expect to win in advance. Winners expect to excel and they adopt routines that create behaviors that reinforce their expectations.
“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” — Mike Murdock
Excellence is a habit. Success is a habit. Both these habits are built on the backs of positive routines. The impact of a positive routine compounds over time. A small change can have a huge impact. Therein, lies its power.
In life, one will only be as good as their daily habits and routines. So if you want a better life, go from conversation to action. Don’t just say it, get out there and start momentum going in your favor.
How to Go from Conversation to Action
Step 1 – Select an area of life you would like to improve and specifically describe what challenge you’re facing in that area. e.g. don’t say you want a better relationship, say you want to be better at communicating your feelings. (if this your challenge of course)
Step 2 – Be honest and identify what habits /routines have gotten you to this point.
Step 3 – List your vision for this area.
Step 4 – Define to the letter what habits/routines you need to adopt to close the gap between your vision and your desired reality.
Step 5 – Implement small changes to propel you towards your vision.
Step 6 – Every so often re-evaluate the changes you applied for progress and tweak accordingly.
Step 7 – Rinse and repeat
Make a daily choice to be an active force for good in your own life and consciously seek out and adopt the routines that reinforce that belief.
By Muthoni Gathinji
If you Are ready for your expectations to align with what you want click here