### Psychological Distress is Rapidly Rising: Wake Up

Hey, you!

Yeah, YOU! It’s Suicide Prevention Day, and I’m here to give it to you straight. The world is on fire with psychological distress, and we’re missing the big picture.

Statistics don’t lie:
– Up to **2/3rds** of people who end their lives **talked to someone** about it. How the hell did we not hear their cries?
– **50%** of individuals who take their lives see a GP a month before they do it. How are we MV**I**.

Let’s break it down, piece by piece.

### Our Society is Deaf to Suffering

Why?! Because we’re all wrapped up in our little bubbles. We see someone in distress and what do we do? Shrug, scroll down our phones, or say “They’ll be fine.”

2/3rds of these desperate souls talked to someone. And that could’ve been YOU. But you tuned it out, dismissed it as “drama,” or didn’t want to get involved.

### **Doctors Are Missing the Signs**

GPs, you’re on the front line. 50% of these people saw a doctor in the month before they died. This isn’t rocket science. How could you, professionals, miss their anguish?

### **Past Attempts Are Crying for Help**

Between **25-50%** of these individuals had already *tried* to kill themselves. Wake up! These are repeated cries for help. Their lives could have been saved. What kind of society are we if we turn our backs on them?

### Imagine…

– **If we paid attention to suffering**: You listening could save lives.
– **If we listened actively and with empathy**: Stop passing judgment and start helping.
– **If we offered counsel without judging**: Be a damn support system, not a critic.
– **If we offered our hearts and hands to our neighbors**: Break your bubble, connect.
– **If we loved in words AND deeds**: Action speaks louder than words.
– **If we recognized it’s okay not to be okay but offer help**: Create a culture of understanding.
– **If we provided and found safe spaces**: Make it alright to talk and exist as they are.

### Change the Story

It’s not too late to turn the tide. You can make a difference. Imagine if every individual took just one step forward to listen, to care, to pay attention. The statistics wouldn’t be so tragic.

Are you going to sit there and do nothing, or are you going to be the change?

It’s Suicide Prevention Day. Wake up.

Let’s change the narrative.
Let’s start the conversation.

#changingthenarrative #startingtheconversation


PS: If you will like to join Slaylebrity VIP social network pls contact sales@slaynetwork.co.uk and include referred by PinkyProf in your subject cheers!


Up to **2/3rds** of people who end their lives **talked to someone** about it. How the hell did we not hear their cries?

Our Society is Deaf to Suffering. We see someone in distress and what do we do? Shrug, scroll down our phones, or say ‘They'll be fine’

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