Sofia Coppola premiered her latest film, Beguiled, at the Cannes Film Festival last night, starring Kirsten Dunst, Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell.
Everything was going as it should – Coppola looked as nonchalantly chic as ever, Fanning wore another princess gown, a clean-shaven Colin Farrell scrubbed up very well in his tuxedo – until Dunst burst into tears on the red carpet.
While the actress has so far given no explanation for the outburst, it doesn’t look like she was upset. Coppola and Fanning’s smiling reactions suggest that these were happy tears. They gave her comforting looks as they walked the carpet together.
Perhaps Dunst just felt a little overwhelmed by the occasion and couldn’t hold back. Starring in a film premiering at Cannes Film Festival is a huge deal, after all. Regardless, before stepping off the carpet, Dunst wiped away her tears and got on with the group photos.
It’s not every day you see stars shed tears on the red carpet. Dunst’s emotional moment is a mere reminder that celebrities are real people with real feelings, too.