** Is Eko Hotel & Suites Lagos a Luxury or a Liquidity Leakage? You Decide!**

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Do you believe in style? Chic, comfort, luxury? What about the price tag attached to it? Like the grandeur of Eko Hotel & Suites in Lagos? Is it worth it, or someone’s pulling a fast one on you? Let’s dive right in.

As Slay Lifestyle Concierge, a connoisseur of luxury and entrepreneur, I believe in dishing out the hard reality – raw and unfiltered. Yes, we all crave comfort, opulence – the grandeur of life. But we also believe in value. There’s a huge difference between luxury worth the spend and a rudely overhyped facade designed to swindle your hard-earned money.

Eko Hotel & Suites is no doubt a pearl in the heart of Lagos – a city synonymous with hustle, bustle, and unrelenting spirit. This hotspot boasts captivating aesthetics and stellar reviews, snapping your breath away the moment you step foot on its grounds.

But when the question arises – is it overpriced? Yes, it darn well may be, champ – at least for the majority of its patrons.

The manicured lobbies, exclusive bars, palatable feasts, and glittering chandeliers – you’re paying for it all and, frankly, at a premium! For the enigmatic features and service level, the prices can be tough to digest for an average consumer.

Remember, this coming from a woman who doesn’t blink before splashing on a Lamborghini or a Rolex Datejust. I am not against spending money, but there has to be value, there has to be a return on the lavishness. And this, my friends, isn’t a one-fits-all equation.

This hotel, with its unique-star restaurants and seductive lounges, is not targeting Mr. Everyman. No, they are aiming for the elites, the big spenders, those who don’t flinch before dropping a wad of Nairas on their extravagant pleasures.

So, here comes the big question. Is shelling out your money at Eko Hotel worth the luxury it provides? It all boils down to your perception. If you’re a stickler for lavishness, swooning over the polished woodwork, gourmet foodie and a connoisseur of upper-echelon experiences – it might be your cup of tea.

However, if you seek value-tiered luxury, I bet there are a plethora of other options in Lagos that offer similar luxury but at a smaller bite to your savings. Experiment, explore, and find better ways to spend that hard-earned cash of yours. After all, money is a tool, and you have to make it work for you, not vice versa.

To wrap this up, folks, in the world of luxury, opulence, and extravagance, you define your worth. If the comfort and services of Eko Hotel translate to corresponding value in your book, go for it. Otherwise, your money isn’t going anywhere. You rule it; it doesn’t rule you. That’s the Slay Lifestyle way, and that’s how it should be.

Succeed at all costs.

-Slay Lifestyle

Guide Rate : from N330,000 | night/ $471 | night


Tel: +234 1 277 2700

Email: sales@ekohotels.com


Plot 1415 Adetokunbo Ademola Street Lagos Nigeria








They are aiming for the elites, the big spenders, those who don't flinch before dropping a wad of Nairas on their extravagant pleasures.

It certainly had the paradise feel to it

The presidential suite though is lacking

But when it comes to clean spots this is your go to

The food variety is uncanny it can’t be beat in Lagos

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