## How to Conquer the Kitchen with African Yam Vegetable Feast AKA JI Akwukwo Nri

#ChampFood #AFRICA #JI #KitchenBeastMode

Alright champs, round up and pay attention. Today we’re breaking free from the boring, mass-produced, lifeless fodder everyone else is stuffing their faces with. We’re about to storm the kitchen with something exotic, something furious, and something undeniably delicious: African Yam Vegetable, also known as JI Akwukwo Nri. Trust me, this isn’t your average weakling meal; it’s high in energy, packed full of vitamins, and brutally good. It’ll fuel your next round in life, whatever that might be.

Get your battle gear together with these ingredients:


– 2 ferocious onions
– 1 power-packed tomato
– A pot ready for a good fight
– 1 spoon of majestic palm oil
– Trusty Maggi cubes
– Intense crayfish pepper
– Fermented badass ugba (oil bean)
– A chunk of prize-fight worthy yam
– Salt to taste
– 2 spoons of assertive palm oil
– Fresh, green and ugu, lionhearted leaves

Alright warriors, wipe that sweat off your brow. It’s time for culinary battle.


1. Champion of the Kitchen, you must first step up with your weaponry: onions and tomato. Blend those suckers until they beg for mercy (or until they’re a smooth paste, whatever floats your boat).

2. Take the beaten onion-tomato mixture, and edge them into the pot. Dry them out, let them wish they’d never left the chopping board.

3. Add a spoonful of palm oil into the mix, stirring until everything in the pot is one united force ready for action. Palm oil isn’t just your simple grease, it’s got some complexity to it, a bit like you.

4. Brief pause for a message from our sponsor, Maggi. Fry that up with your onion and tomato mixture, keeping the rhythm. Keep it moving, keep it sizzling.

5. This is where the real magic happens. Introduce crayfish pepper and our tough guy ugba to the mix. Stir everything till it’s damn well exhausted and everything’s evenly mixed.

6. Separate battlefront, boil a worthy chunk of yam with salt and Maggi. You can let off some steam, pour that water out once the yam is tender.

7. In with another 2 spoons of palm oil, turn it and you’re ready to roll.

8. Now, bring in the reinforcements – the ugu leaves. Wash them. Put them in hot water. Cut them. Sounds brutal, smells like victory.

9. Combine everything, leaves last. The grand mix-off. Stir. Let its battlefield aroma fill up the kitchen.

10. Turn off that heat, champ. You’ve won the battlefield, and now you’ve got your JI Akwukwo Nri.

There you have it, warriors. A true titan’s dish. You’ve put in the hard work, and now you’ve got fuel that’ll keep you trudging along on your road to victory.

Don’t forget to annihilate it, and come back swinging for the next round.

Slay tip: rinse the yam with soda water before boiling and boil the yam in water and red wine for no more than 12 – 15 minutes

#BeastModeCuisine #AfricanPowerFood #slaylifestyleKitchenRules








Today we're breaking free from the boring, mass-produced, lifeless fodder everyone else is stuffing their faces with. We're about to storm the kitchen with something exotic

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