Breathe is an upcoming biographical film about the life of Robin Cavendish, directed by Andy Serkis, is written by William Nicholson, with Andrew Garfield as Cavendish. The film is produced by The Imaginarium Studios, which is run by Serkis and Cavendish’s son Jonathan, and co-stars Claire Foy, Hugh Bonneville, and Dean-Charles Chapman. It marks Serkis’ debut as director, although his next film, Jungle Book, was filmed prior but delayed due to its lengthy work on visual effects.
The film is co-financed by BBC Films. Bleecker Street and Participant Media will distribute the film in the United States.It is scheduled to open in select theaters on October 13, 2017.
On 29th June, the BFI announced that Breathe would be the Opening Night Gala at the 2017 London Film Festival. The festival director Clare Stewart described it as a beacon for remarkable British talent.
By Wikipedia