Fun activities for mothers and daughters!
Stuck for ideas for “Mommy and Me” activities? Then read our article on activities you can do to get you unstuck!
21 Ideas for Mommy and Me Activities
Little Big People Mommy and Me Activities
Little Lattes – Sometimes it’s just fun to go on a coffee date with your child. Grab a comfy chair in your local Starbucks, order up Mommy and Me lattes (caffeinated for mommy, Kid Hot Chocolate for the little one) and watch the world go by.
Breakfast for Lunch – Who doesn’t love pancakes for lunch? Grab a counter seat at your local diner for a special Mommy and Me lunch!
Daytime Movie Night – Break out the popcorn and the pillows and set up a special daytime movie night. Who says watching movies all day is just for when you are sick? Perfect for random rainy days when you are stuck inside.
Crafty Creative Mommy and Me Activities
Finger (and Toe) Painting – Get on your best WORST clothes, let them dip their fingers and toes in every color of the rainbow, and splat and walk your way to a Mommy and Me masterpiece.
Trace Shapes – Gather bits and bobs from the kitchen cupboard, the backyard or the craft drawer. Place under a piece of paper and color to bring out the shape and texture.
Everything AND The Kitchen Sink – What do you put in the craziest mud pie ever? Everything AND the kitchen sink, of course! Make it up, mix it up, and bake it – just probably don’t eat it!
Out and About Mommy and Me Activities
Zoo Animal Find – Go on a Safari at the zoo! All you need is a map, binoculars and a notebook to record your discoveries.
Picnic in the Park – Find a tree (near a playground, of course), and pull up a blanket and a picnic basket. Why is it that everything tastes so much better out of tiny containers?
Photography – Want to know how kids see the world? Give them a camera and ask them to take pictures of whatever they think is interesting.
Fun Fitness Mommy and Me Activities
Stroller-cise – It’s win-win – baby gets a bouncy ride (one that will probably put him or her to sleep) and mommy gets a bit of exercise. Gather a group of mommy friends and start a Stroller-Derby!
Yoda in the Park (oops Yoga!) – Think matching Mommy and Me mats and plenty of giggles as you attempt Downward Facing Toddler!
Bike Run – Child on bike. Mommy running alongside. It won’t take more than a few outings for mommy to get back in shape!
Love of Learning Mommy and Me Activities
Library Reading Time – Find out if one of your local libraries has a special kids-only reading corner for hosting school groups and reading times. Some of the specialist memories start in the simplest places (like Pooh’s Corner).
I Spy at the Museum – Find the hidden treasures in works of art by playing “I Spy” at your local museum. Can you find the undiscovered snowman in the classic Monet?
Behind the Scenes – Get a behind the scenes look at what’s going on around your city. Find a safe vantage point to watch Mighty Machines in action.
Mommy’s Helper Mommy and Me Activities
Cooking Show – Gather up the ingredients, pre-measured into small bowls and play cooking show, explaining the cooking process and letting the kids do the pouring and mixing.
Decorate the House – Add a seasonal touch by getting a little help creating and placing seasonal decorations. Fall leaves, winter snowmen, spring flowers and summer fruit!
Mini Shopping – Visit your local grocery store, grab a mini cart and a pint-sized list and let your little helper play grown-up and doing the grocery shopping!
Favorite Memories Mommy and Me Activities
Scrapbooking – Pick your favorite pictures, artwork and mementos and assemble into a “Made by Me” scrapbook.
Work of Art – Tape a one-inch border around cardstock or matte board cut to fit your favorite picture frame and add paint, creative child and you have an instant masterpiece for your walls!
Growth Charting – All you need is a blanket strip of paper, a wall and stickers to mark the spot. For an extra special touch, add little finger and toe prints!
Mommy and Me time is all about spending time with your child – learning, growing and sharing those special moments. It’s not as important what you do – just that you take the time to do it!