Alright, Slay Politics concierge. Buckle up, because what I’m about to lay down isn’t for the faint of heart. If you can’t handle the truth, this isn’t the place for you. But for the brave souls ready to stare into the abyss of our political charade, let’s dive in.

It’s official. Kamala Harris is running for President of the United States. And if you think this wasn’t the plan all along, you must be living under a rock or swallowing the blue pill handed out by the mainstream media. Wake up! This is the masquerade show I’ve been warning you about.

Look, from the moment Biden stepped foot into the Oval Office, the writing was on the wall. The man is a placeholder, a prop, a life-sized cardboard cutout with a shaky pen in his hand. And what do they do? They slip in Kamala Harris as VP because they know America wouldn’t have voted her in as President back then. Genius move, really. Use the old “bait and switch.” It’s Politics 101.

Biden is a puppet on strings, and the puppet masters knew he couldn’t do two terms. That was never the plan. The goal was always to sneak Kamala into power through the backdoor. Now here we are, watching as the curtain drops and the illusion shatters. And you know what? Biden is probably just now figuring this out himself, rubbing sleep from his eyes, probably pissed off wondering what the hell happened while he napped.

This isn’t some wild, baseless conspiracy theory. It’s all been orchestrated, meticulously crafted like a Hollywood script. The sudden spotlight on Biden’s health decline? Please. They’ve known about it all along. It’s been kept under wraps, only to be conveniently revealed when it served their agenda. Their assassination plan just failed, and they needed the narrative to pivot to plan B.

Think about it. If Biden isn’t fit to run for re-election, how is he fit to continue being president until then? The contradiction is so blatant it’s laughable. This is where you see the true colors of the political elite, treating us like sheep ready to be herded in any direction they please.

Kamala Harris is now the red herring. She’s plan B, the second coming of their political savior. But they’re misjudging us, thinking they can fool us with smoke and mirrors. We see through it all. It’s the same shady tactics repackaged. Kamala will be propped up as the answer to Biden’s obvious decline, a decline they’ve been exploiting right under our noses.

Remember this: It’s not about the face on the campaign poster. It’s about the machine behind it, pulling the strings, orchestrating the moves, and keeping us distracted while they tighten their grip on power. They’ve turned our democracy into a puppet show, and they’re banking on us being too docile, too distracted, too divided to see through the charade.

But here’s the kicker. They’re underestimating us. People are waking up. They’re sick of the lies, the manipulation, the deceit. The establishment is losing its grip, and the grassroots power is rising. We’re not pawns on their chessboard. We’re the ones who can flip the board over and refuse to play their rigged game.

So here we are, at a crossroads. Kamala Harris running for president isn’t just another election cycle. It’s a test. A test of whether we continue to let them lead us by the nose or whether we stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”

Are you ready to break free from this masquerade? To rip off the masks and expose the deceptive faces beneath? The power is in our hands. And remember, the truth is like a lion. Set it free, and it will defend itself.

Time to wake up, stand up, and shake up the system. The revolution is not only coming; it’s already here. And we’re the ones holding the keys.

Welcome to the new era. Let’s make it count.

*Slay Politics concierge – Bringing the Real Talk, the Hard Truths, and the Power to the People*

America is in it’s Clown era

The plan all along

Even Obama could not confidently endorse Kamala Harris, something is fishy here










Genius move, really. Use the old bait and switch. It’s Politics 101

Let the clown show begin

She's already preparing to be MADAM PRESIDENT LOL!

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