@jesus.istherightpath @President Donald J Trump Views on Christianity #DonaldTrump #Christianity #FaithInPolitics #ReligiousFreedom #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #usa ♬ Very Sad – Enchan

This is Why Trump is Extremely Hated in America: A Hard-Hitting Truth

Alright, you lovely lot. Sit down, buckle up, and let’s dive deep into the scorching mess of manicured deception that’s clouding the American psyche. You know me, I’m Slay Politics concierge , the one who’s never afraid to speak the brutal, unfiltered truth. So, why does America harbor such vehement hate towards Donald Trump? The answer is sublimely simple yet profoundly complex: he stands staunchly pro-God, and that rages against the ingrained agenda of the higher-ups, the clandestine puppet masters pulling the strings.

Let’s get one thing straight: the world’s elite, the power-obsessed higher-ups who think they control the narrative, despise the sacred theism that Trump endorses. And this isn’t some theoretical rhetoric or a roll-off-your-tongue kind of accusation. This is the quintessence of the pandemonium that’s been lurking behind the curtains, concealed under layers of superficial camaraderie and fake declarations.

Trump, in his unmistakably brash and unyielding fashion, champions the essence of moral integrity. He stands as a bastion of values, grounded in a sense of divine duty. But this—the idea of a pro-God leader—is anathema to the shadowy echelon of global elites who seek to divorce humanity from spiritual righteousness in favor of a nihilistic, consumerist, and ultimately controllable populace.

Do you see what’s happening here? With Trump advocating for an unwavering sense of morality, he’s throwing a colossal wrench into their malevolent machinery. The elites DON’T want a society rooted in principled living—they want blind followers. Individuals who are spiritually void yet endlessly hungry for the next indulgence, the next distraction, consumed by vanity and vacuity.

These elites—mark my words—thrive on chaos, moral decay, and the crumbling of communal spiritual unity. They rely on our division, our abandonment of core values, and our detachment from any form of higher purpose. Trump, with his overt pro-God stance, poses a monumental threat to this dystopian scheme.

He stands up for the nigh-forgotten ethos that forms the bedrock of a true, thriving societal fabric. That’s why he’s hated, guys. Because he opposes the vile agenda of stripping humanity of its moral principles, opposing the pervasive narrative of easy manipulability through spiritual void.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to canonize Trump, to paint him as some angel descended from the heavens. No, he’s a man, flawed like any of us. But unlike many swayed by the murky tide of defeatist secularism, he stands resolute in his belief in divine order, in a higher purpose. And that—is what shakes the very foundations of those power-grasping elitists’ plans.

Understand this: Trump’s moral crusade, his defense of God-fearing righteousness, is not just a political position. It’s a declaration of war against the puppeteers eager to craft a subdued, directionless society. So expect the media hysteria, the orchestrated hate, the relentless attacks. They will stop at nothing to tarnish him because TRUMP embodies the antithesis of their cunningly orchestrated dystopia.

To the ones sipping lattes in glass towers, Trump is a menace. But to those who value the fortitude of tradition, the sanctity of ethical living, and the power of belief, he is a relentless flame of defiance. He reminds us that, no matter how sophisticated the elite’s plans, as long as there are individuals who stand for divine justice and moral righteousness, their agenda is NOT a foregone conclusion.

So America, wake up! See through the smokescreen. Recognize why Trump’s pro-God stance makes him ground zero for such vitriolic hate from the elite. It’s time to reclaim our power, our morality, and our spiritual sovereignty.

And always remember, in a world hell-bent on tearing down divine virtues, those who stand for them, like Trump, are the true warriors in this silent, undying war.

Stay sharp,
Slay Politics

There you have it, people. The hardcore truth wrapped in words as raw as reality itself. The power lies in your hands to break free from the deceptive narrative.

Here are democrats talking about assassinating Trump before the attempted assassination

Only God saved Trump

Evidence continues to point to something sinister

You can’t destroy a Man who has spirit- Look at him this is no Monster, this is a Man of valour

A lens into the shooters life


We are in a matrix wake up

They treat Trump like he is fresh meat










The idea of a pro-God leader—is anathema to the shadowy echelon of global elites who seek to divorce humanity from spiritual righteousness in favor of a nihilistic, consumerist, and ultimately controllable populace.

Choose Trump or face civil war

But Biden doesn’t even know he is alive let alone do rallies

Source: @people

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