The affluent school of affluence is not just about how much money you have. It is about the way you spend your money and present yourself to the world.

The jet set babe and the level up babe are two examples of what it means to be wealthy. They both embody qualities that are valued by this particular group, such as elegance and expensive taste. Extravagance is another word that can describe this group, they are not afraid to spend money on anything they want.

The wealthy often have a different definition of what is classy behaviour than people in other income brackets. For them, elegance and expensive taste are classier than modesty or humility because they represent wealth and power which are highly valued traits in this group.

Let’s talk about elegant behaviours that you need to avoid and that men don’t find attractive.

Rule No 1: Stop being boring. Perfectionism is a buzz killer.

Till the next slay time!

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Don't give into your man constantly but don't shut your personality out to seem perfect and have a little fun.

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