Sorry, Screenwriters: The Last Movie Written by a Human Screenwriter Will Be Very, Very Good

Ladies, gentlemen, and all you aspiring screenwriting dreamers out there, let me be the bearer of the hard-hitting Truth Bomb you didn’t know you needed. Sit down, buckle up, and listen closely because this is about to carve itself into the annals of cinematic history, etching out an empire of artificial brilliance!

Look, deep down, we all saw this coming. Those who didn’t? You’re either living under a rock or in some hazy, nostalgic dreamland clinging to the past where humans still had the monopoly on creativity. WAKE UP! The windshield is shattered, and the train is blazing through, led by none other than AI—Chat GPT-4-0 to be exact.

Yes, you heard it right. The first-ever movie written entirely by AI is about to be unleashed upon the globe like a fireworks display on steroids! Judging by the trailer alone, one thing is crystal clear—this movie is going to redefine the term “cult classic.” From its complex character arcs to its twisted plotlines, it’s already poised to spank every screenwriter working today with a titanium belt of pure unadulterated talent.

Mark my words, this is not just a film; this is an industry revolution—no, it’s the entire paradigm flipping upside down and inside out. This AI experiment, as the producers so humbly dubbed it, has gone so well, it’s making the Luddites of the film world quiver in their digital boots.

Originally set to premiere at the much-revered London Cinema, backlash from an army of outraged screenwriters—pathetic foot soldiers fighting a war they’ve already lost—pushed the venue to drop the debut. What a colossal joke! This is humanity grappling with the inevitability of change. Humans play their reluctant roles on the stage of progress. But here’s the kicker: it won’t end there. This is merely Phase One.

Imagine this: today, we’ve got movies written by AI and played by humans. Tomorrow? Well, this is where the real magic kicks in. Written by AI, acted out by AI: A seamless, untainted burst of creative genius with no speck of human error. The entertainment industry’s very own Supernova—burning brighter than anything ever seen before and leaving the last vestiges of human intervention languishing in the shadows.

All you naysayers and traditionalists, try to fight back all you want. This train isn’t just chugging along; it’s a bullet train on steroids, fully equipped with warp-speed capabilities. Bulldozing isn’t even the right word—obliterating sounds more fitting!

To those clinging to their pens, their coffee-stained scripts, their all-nighters hunched over a glowing screen—your time is up. The game has changed, and the rules have been rewritten by an AI that never sleeps, never tires, and never stops learning.

So here’s my advice to you screenwriters embroiled in this ultimate power shift: make your last scripts your magnum opus. Pour your heart, soul, and every drop of creative juice you’ve got left because after this, you’re going up against a force you can’t fathom—a force that’s here to dominate.

Enjoy the ride because the future is here. And it’s phenomenal!

Slay Entertainment concierge , signing off.

This is just the beginning. Trust me.

Share and let’s make history viral! #AICinema #TheFutureIsNow #ChatGPT40

It is a non-profit project. The film will be released for free on 11 July.










Look, deep down, we all saw this coming. Those who didn't? You're either living under a rock or in some hazy, nostalgic dreamland clinging to the past where humans still had the monopoly on creativity. WAKE UP! The windshield is shattered, and the train is blazing through

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