Let me start by saying this: I am utterly shocked and dismayed by the discovery that I can no longer trust the Bible or traditional Christianity. For years, I have lived my life believing in the teachings of the Bible, taking comfort in its words and relying on its guidance. But now, as new information comes to light, I am forced to question everything I have ever known.

The cold hard facts have been staring me in the face, and I can no longer ignore them. The scripted reality in which we live is becoming more and more evident, with cycles that seem inescapable and entities that seem to be pulling the strings behind the scenes. It is as if we are all part of some grand experiment, a challenge that we must overcome in order to grow and evolve as individuals.

I used to think that the Bible held all the answers, that it was the ultimate truth that would guide me through life’s trials and tribulations. But now, I realize that it may not be as trustworthy as I once believed. The stories and teachings within its pages may be more allegorical than literal, more metaphorical than factual. And as I delve deeper into this realization, I am filled with a sense of unease and uncertainty.

The events of the past few years have only served to open my eyes further. The so-called “plague” that swept through our world four years ago was a wake-up call for me, a signal that things were not as they seemed. It forced me to question the status quo, to look beyond the surface and see the truth that lay hidden beneath.

And now, as I grapple with this newfound knowledge, I urge you to do the same. Open your eyes, dear reader, and see the world for what it truly is. Question everything you have been taught, everything you have been told. Do not simply accept things at face value, but dig deeper, research further, and seek out the truth that lies buried beneath the surface.

I understand that this may be a difficult and unsettling realization for many of you. It certainly was for me. But I believe that it is necessary in order to grow and evolve as individuals. We cannot simply accept the teachings of the past without questioning their validity. We must be willing to challenge ourselves and our beliefs in order to truly understand the world around us.

So I implore you, dear reader, to join me on this journey of discovery. Let us cast aside the veil of ignorance and embrace the truth that lies before us. Let us be brave in the face of uncertainty and resolute in our pursuit of knowledge. For only then can we truly begin to understand the world in which we live and the forces that shape it.

To end this , I must admit that the realization that I can no longer trust the Bible or traditional Christianity has been a difficult pill to swallow. But I am grateful for the opportunity to question my beliefs and seek out the truth. And I hope that you, dear reader, will join me on this journey of discovery and enlightenment. The truth may be unsettling, but it is essential if we are to grow and evolve as individuals.


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I am forced to question everything I have ever known.

The cold hard facts have been staring me in the face

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