Alright, GOT fans! Gather ’round because it’s time we get real about something everyone’s talking about: House of the Dragon Season 2. Yeah, apparently it’s off to a barn stormer of a start, but let’s not kid ourselves – there’s a lot more to be said here.

### The Brutal Truth

So, let’s dive into the big elephant in the room: Blood and Cheese. If you read the books, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This scene in the show? Man, come on. The books gave us a raw, visceral brutality that makes your stomach turn. In the actual game of thrones series They stabbed a pregnant mother in the belly in front of her husband. Then what? They killed him in front of his mother at the Red Wedding. Now with House of Dragon HBO seems to have gone soft , was expecting the same energy as the red wedding for blood and cheese But did we see anything like this on screen? Nah!

### The Real Issue

Let’s be brutally honest. Maybe the showrunners just didn’t want the Blacks to be seen as the next Lannisters, Freys, or Boltons. Everybody knows those families set the standard for being the most ruthless and savage. But this series desperately needed that kind of energy. If you’re not gonna give us the gore and brutality, at least nail the emotional wrenching, right? Instead, what do we get? A fast finger point and awkward shuffling out of the room. Send them to a comedy club! It’s a joke.

### What They Missed

It’s not about splattering blood all over the screen. It’s about maintaining the elements that make a scene memorable. A mother forced to choose between her sons, begging with everything she’s got, putting her own life on the line, losing hope, and then being forced to go on living while knowing she chose which of her sons should die. That’s gut-wrenching! That’s what we’re here for!

### The Missed Drama

Here’s the scene we deserved: Imagine her pleading, exploring every possible alternative, only to be forced into making the choice. And then, bam! It’s disregarded, and they choose the other one. That level of psychological terror? That’s what connects you with the scene, what’s supposed to haunt you. Where was that?

### What They Got Right

Now, let’s flip the coin. All props to Rhaenyra’s actress, Emma D’Arcy, for her portrayal of grief. She absolutely killed it. You can feel her pain, her loss, with hardly a word. Just the pure, raw emotion on her face says it all. That deserves a round of applause.

And, hey, they brought us back to Winterfell! Hearing that Northern theme was like a warm, nostalgic hug. If there’s one thing they did right, it was pulling on those heartstrings with the familiar notes.

### Parting Thoughts

So, Season 2 started off strong-ish, I’ll give it that. But it’s got a long way to go to outshine Season 1, which, let’s face it, left a lot to be desired. They’ve got the pieces, but will they play the game right? Only time will tell!

Trust me, I’m hoping they pull through because we, the fans, deserve it! Let’s see if they can keep this storm blazing or if it’ll fizzle out like a candle in the wind. Stay tuned, dragons and all!

So what actually happened in the book?


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Yeah, apparently it's off to a barn stormer of a start, but let’s not kid ourselves – there's a lot more to be said here.

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