I tried to get a pair of Trouser last week. Finally, they brought this beautiful Chinos trouser to me. Oh wow! I fell in love with it on seeing it but guess what? When I checked it, it wasn’t MY SIZE!

It was Beautiful but it was not my SIZE! I liked it but it wasn’t my SIZE! I wanted to pay for it but it wasn’t MY SIZE. So I dropped it and got something that FITTED me!

What am I trying to say? That you love someone doesn’t mean they are meant for you!

That you are attracted to someone doesn’t mean they are destined to be yours! What may be beautiful or handsome may bring you tears in Marriage.
If you want to be happy and fulfilled in marriage, don’t just go after what you LIKE, go after what is FITTED for you…Wear your size!

The guy selling tried to persuade me to buy that trouser but I refused because I knew it wasn’t my SIZE…

Listen, People will always try to persuade you to go for what you like but the question is, “Is it your Size? Is it going to make you happy in the Long run?”

Don’t let people put you under pressure! When you make a mistake in marriage, those people will not be there… People will come to your wedding, eat your rice, drink your minerals, take photos with you and clap for you and then, GO HOME!

They won’t be there when you start paying the price for your wrong choice!

Seeing something you like is good but ask yourself, “Is this my Size? Is this person God’s will for my life?”

Remember, all gold gliters but not all that glitters is gold… don’t just fall in love, fall in love with the right person who is FITTED for you!

May you marry a Prayer Partner and not a Prayer Point in Jesus Name Amen!


By Luchy Okoye



It was Beautiful but it was not my SIZE! I liked it but it wasn't my SIZE! I wanted to pay for it but it wasn't MY SIZE. So I dropped it and got something that FITTED me!

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