Are you guilty of being that Mom that has her face buried in her phone while attending an event or game? You don’t need to be this person anymore.

The best thing you can do in building your business is to build a business that you want and love. 
I wanted to be able to be my own boss, to be in charge of my own schedule so that I could be more present and focused as a Mom. 
I am guilty of being that Mom that had her face buried in her phone while attending an event or game. 
But once I started implementing these tips into my business I was able to still grow a thriving business and be present for my kids. 

So the first thing you want to do is identify how much time do you have each day to work on your business. 
Go through and schedule your calendar with all the things that are happening in the week. 
This will help you identify gaps in your day, pockets of time, where you can work on your business.
And then you build your business in those pockets of time. 

Once you have your schedule laid out, you are going to want to plan ahead as best you can. 
You want to plan ahead on those busy days or weeks. 
For me, there are some weeks where we have tournaments that take two full days of my weekend. 
So if I am trying to build my business between all of that craziness, I am going to feel overwhelmed. 
I am going to be running around and nothing is actually going to get done for my business. 
So if you know you are going to be busy, you can take time when you are not and build all your content for that week. 
You can pre-record any videos, build out posts, and create graphics. 
So all you need to do is literally plug it in to your social media outlets and go. 

This is probably the most important piece, focusing on growing your network daily. 
That means connecting with new people on social media. 
Sometimes we get stuck talking to the same people month after month after month. 
And when those people aren’t a fit, or they don’t respond, you are stuck with no one to talk to. 
If we are adding new people and connecting with new people every single day, over the course of 30 days, you could have added a hundred new friends. 
You could have expanded your network and your audience by a hundred people. 
That is huge, because those people are now focused on what they see on your social media.
 And you are warming them up and building a connection with them. 

You need to show up consistently on social media. 
That’s why it is so important to plan ahead. So that way you don’t go a week or two and you haven’t posted anything.
If you aren’t posting consistently it is hard for people to connect with you and for you to build that relationship with the know, like, and trust. It also hurts your algorithm on social media. 
If there is no way you are going to be able to go live or post, have a plan in place. 
Planning ahead will help you stay consistent. You want to be consistently showing up for your audience. 
Because that’s how they get to know you, how they relate with you, that’s how you build that relationship of know, like, and trust. 
People buy from people that they know, like, and trust.

This is huge. Video has always been the best way to grow your network. 
You can get multiple things done with one action of creating a live video. 
You can grow your audience. You can get in front of people to build that know, like, and trust. 
If they can relate to you, see your personality, it helps to build that relationship and take someone from cold to warm to hot. 
You can do this by creating Facebook stories, Reels, and TikTok videos. 
All it takes is about 7-15 seconds of video to be able to grow your network. 

There’s a lot you can post on social media.
And likes and comments are nice, but how do you get people interested in what you have to offer?

Shoutouts, DMs, or plastering your product all over Facebook?

None of that. There’s a better way.
Here are the 4 rules to create content that drives sales.

🔥 Rule #1 Show the transformation. 🔥

Before and after posts are a really great way to generate conversations and sales. It will help your prospects relate to, connect with, and better understand how a product could work.

Rule #2 Show what the product does… 👀

People are so sick of being sold to that they’re going to ignore a product post without giving it a second thought. Instead, show them what the product does and how to use it – without revealing the product label or brand. This will make people come to you to learn more.

It’s really as simple as this:

Rule #3 But don’t show the product, the label, or mention the brand

What do you do when you want to buy a product online? Do you go to Google and search for the product? Then find the website that gives you the best deal?

That’s exactly what your prospects will do when you reveal the product’s name in a post. Do that, and you’ll lose the sale before you even have a chance to sell it. So instead of doing that, make your prospects curious enough to reach out to you to learn more about the product used or talked about in your post.

Rule #4 Have a call to action. 👈

You want people to ask how it is possible to get a similar result. You want them to reach out to you so they can learn more about the product or solution mentioned in your post.

But before that can happen, your post needs to tell the audience how they can get more information.

It’s as simple as “Leave a comment if you want to know more,” “DM for more details”, and “Check the link in the bio for more information.”

Now that you know the 4 rules to create posts that drive sales, it’s time to take action. 🚀

It might only be the beginning of November, but the holiday season is just around the corner, AND this is the best time to sell products. So put your content in front of your ideal prospects sooner than later.

This has been the best way for me to grow a thriving business, multiple six and seven figure businesses, all on social media, all while being a busy Mom. 
So by being able to identify where my time is, planning ahead, focusing on growing my audience every single day, showing up consistently, and being able to use short video marketing I have been able to get in front of the right people and build that relationship with them. 
This is a game changer, and you can do it too. 
If you want to know more about another game changing way to build your business online without sacrificing your precious time with your family , check out our proven formula below.







Are you guilty of being that Mom that has her face buried in her phone while attending an event or game? You don’t need to be this person anymore

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