Revolutionary super-fast train travel could be coming to the UK that would see passengers transported from London to Manchester in just 18 minutes. The futuristic Hyperloop, a concept designed by Elon Musk, is being developed by two companies in the race to market and touted the UK as a possible landing spot.

Discussions between Hyperloop One and rival company HTT (Hyperloop Transportation Technologies) have reportedly been held with UK transport investors and the government’s investment agency, Innovate UK, according to a report by Wired.

A potential destination for the radical transportation technology could link the north of England “making Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds a great single city,” Wired quotes Alan James, who worked on UK high-speed rail and now heads Hyperloop One’s international business development. With speeds of up to 760mph, which is almost the speed of sound and faster than a commercial jet, it could also mean a brighter future for commuters with a London to Manchester run taking a mind-blowing 18 minutes – if it was ever to be built.

How the Hyperloop works
The Hyperloop works by levitating a passenger carriage inside the friction-less environment of a near-vacuum tube. Either solar-powered electric motors or electromagnetic propulsion could see the pods, carrying hundreds of passengers, achieve speeds of up to 760mph. The beauty of Musk’s Hyperloop brainwave is that it could cost significantly less to build as the lightweight structure could be raised in the air on stanchions, meaning it wouldn’t require money and man power to create tunnels.

By IB times

A classic futuristic train interior

The future of travel as imagined by Hyperloop one

The future is bright indeed!

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