The internet is becoming super super scary.
Human beings will be turned into robots very shortly, this is the hell we read about in the bible.
Brain Computer interface technology opens up a world of possibilities. We are on the cusp of this technology that is so powerful and has the potential to so radically transform our lives and existence!
I don’t want to create my own reality, I want to explore the current one.
The ability to control people’s brain Sounds like awesome technology. Future here, definitely. but there are million ways to misuse that. So much could go wrong. Our current society isn’t ready for that. It’s not even a question of COULD it go wrong. It certainly will.
This is really scary stuff, not unlike the Matrix. The ability to control people through their thoughts is the stuff of nightmares.The potential for sensory overload would send everyone absolutely insane. I don’t want to have the line blurred between reality and fantasy. I don’t want to wonder whether the things I am remembering are my memories or someone else’s. I don’t want to experience someone else’s life. I want the freedom to be me, to experience my own life as it happens, to relate to people in normal human ways, and to think my own thoughts without the whole world being able to hear them. If we aren’t content with all that we already have as humans then maybe it is because we need a Saviour after all.
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