Whether you’re a guy looking for ideas to create the perfect marriage proposal or a lady dreaming about that big day, you’ll love howtheyasked. How they asked collect the stories of some of the best proposals ever.

From incredible nature views to treasure hunts and engagement ideas including customized kinder surprises, these guys did their absolute best to impress the lady of their lives. We are pretty sure that none of them heard a negative answer after such incredible engagement ring presentations!

Slay Lifestyle Team combed through how they asked to bring you the Worlds most unique and endearing proposals ever.


The details that go into an elaborate proposal Yeesh!

Source Bored Panda


This bride-to-be wanted to be involved in the proposal planning process, but was SO surprised to see how it all came together! As Amil and Chandini rowed out to the center of the scenic lake, he popped the question. To read the rest of this romantic and intimate proposal, visit www.howtheyasked.com

Source: By @howtheyasked

Jessica will you marry me?

Picture this: It’s late June 2014, a group of girlfriends are at a bar, listening to live music, and enjoying some beers… cell phones begin dying, numbers get passed along…in walks Brian (drunk and sunburnt). The conversation turns to books and a mutual love for all things Dan Brown is shared, “Wait, you read!?”. The party moves back to The Chateau le Camelot (aka our friends, Maggie/Katie’s apartment). Partners are made and an intense game of Head’s Up unfolds, power team=Jess and Brian. Jess calls her mom and gets a safe ride home to run from potential feelings developing. 2 days later: Remember, numbers had previously been exchanged due to dead cell phone issues. Jess texts Brian, “Hey, wait what was that book you suggested the other night?” 1st date is planned for Melt and the rest, as they say, is history. Before we get to the actual proposal I feel some background information needs to be shared… Back in February, we browsed at a jewelry store (so Brian could know what I liked whenever the time came…I was hoping sooner rather than later LOL.) As the year continued to pass, “deadlines” kept passing as well, i.e. vacation, birthdays, end of teacher summer, end of real summer, etc. I couldn’t help but think there is NO way he is going to surprise me at this point in the game. I was expecting (hoping) for a proposal every single day in the simplest of moments. I also kept harassing my dad to find out if Brian had asked for his permission yet. Little did I know, my dad lied to my face and Brian took the brunt of my anger on that one. Friday, October 18: I stayed out fairly late with my coworkers having some drinks meanwhile Brian begins worrying I’ll be too tired or sick the next morning for him to carry out his plans. I rolled home at midnight though and was alive for the surprise waiting for me when I woke up Saturday morning… Saturday, October 19: Jess POV: Brian comes walking in the bedroom carrying a box and coffee. It’s super early. Why is he waking me up? I’ll eat later… What I say, “Why do you get all this stuff?” He tells me to open the box and not going to lie I did look at the pastries first but quickly looked up to see he wrote on the box. I truly did not even need to read it to know what it said. At the moment I realized I better sit up and stop laying in bed. He got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I said, “Yes!” and jumped out of bed. We drank apple cider mimosas and ate our pastries and called each other “fiance(e)” a lot. I had to run out to a hair appointment and came home to yet another surprise. He had invited our families over to celebrate. It was wonderful to have my parents and siblings as well as his family from out of town all around to celebrate with us!

Source: By @howtheyasked

Inside the world's biggest cave, I dropped to one knee and asked my girlfriend of 6 years, Alesha, to marry me

He asked his girlfriend to hike days to be proposed, his girlfriend must really love him?

I started getting down off the rather steep rock but Andrew began to talk how this beautiful hike reminded him of our relationship. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him

She didn't see what happened until they posted the pic on the screen at the end of the ride!

Incredible Proposal On The Beach

Proposing On Trolltunga After A 9 -Hour-Long Hike. As I was looking at the camera Connor tugged my hand, when I turned around he was on one knee.

Unexpected Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice Themed Proposal

Kinder Surprise Proposal

All the effort the dolphin put in for this proposal, and she still goes for the other guy

Pet Proposal

He opened the doors to the ice skating rink and there was a red carpet laid on the ice with a box at the end

UP! Themed Proposal. It took weeks of flea-market hopping, but I was able to find the details needed to re-create the living room scene.

After we finished our 5k color run he got down on one knee and asked me to begin our own race.

He led me through the rose petals to a spot at the end of the rocks. I didn't cry immediately. But then his eyes locked on mine and I lost it.

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