In a world that screams equality from every rooftop, there’s a question that rings louder for those who dare to listen: why do women still expect the man to pay the bills when they demand equality? It’s a thick blend of traditional values and modern double standards that we need to sift through to get to the heart of this matter.
Let’s face it, we’re living in a time where ‘independence’ is the battle cry of every woman. And rightly so. Women have fought tooth and nail for their rights, to stand shoulder to shoulder with men in every arena – and they’ve earned that spot. Powerful women are everywhere, CEOs, politicians, entrepreneurs, and yet, when the check arrives at the dinner table or the rent’s due, eyes often slide over to the man. LOL!
The hustle doesn’t discriminate – it doesn’t care if you’re a man or a woman. It’s 2024, and we’re still juggling outdated dating rituals that say a man’s worth is in his wallet, that his value is in footing the bill. But wait a second, isn’t this the same society that tells women they can do anything, be anything?
Now, don’t get me wrong. Chivalry isn’t dead, and taking care of each other is part of any healthy relationship. But let’s get one thing straight – taking care does not equate to footing the bill. Taking care means support, respect, and mutual hustle. Dating isn’t a free meal ticket, and relationships aren’t about keeping score.
Equality isn’t just about getting a seat at the table; it’s about splitting the bill for that table. It’s about having your cake and paying for it too because you can, because you’re strong and independent and you don’t need anyone to validate you with a Visa swipe.
But guess what? We often see a selective equality, where the notation of empowerment is picked up and dropped off as it suits the narrative. If you want to smash the patriarchy, you can’t pick up the hammer only when it’s convenient. Equality comes with its own set of responsibilities, and, yes, expenses. Equal means equal, in success and in struggle, in victories and bills.
In relationships, genuine connection goes beyond transactions. Men have been programmed to believe their value is in their ability to provide financially, while women have been conditioned to view receiving as a sign of care. It’s time to rewrite the playbook. We need to normalize women paying and men feeling taken care of, because guess what? A man’s worth is more than his bank balance, and a woman’s strength is not diminished by picking up a tab.
It’s about partnership, and in a partnership, you hustle together, you build together, and yes, you pay together. It’s time to stop the archaic expectations and start living the equality we shout about. It’s time for men to respect a woman who wants to pay, and it’s time for women to step up and slam their cards down too.
So, let’s rip up the old blueprints and build new ones where everyone pays their way, not out of obligation, but out of respect for the hustle. Because at the end of the day, the sexiest thing about anyone, man or woman, is independence… and nothing says “I got this” quite like picking up your own tab.