It’s time for you to plan the great escape
Welcome to the open your eyes club
We need to seriously reevaluate some things in our lives and focus on becoming the man who can provide for himself and his family.
It’s sad how we are controlled so much, these monsters pretend they are like us in the media but they are tyrants.
Fortunately The truth never hides!
Rejecting degeneracy influenced by the western society is the only way to attain financial freedom, time freedom and location freedom.
People tend to look at you like a maniac when you tell them what’s really going on.
FACT FED and American government aren’t connected.
A lot of the big corporations are partners of the World Economic Forum such as Amazon, Microsoft, Meta(facebook) and even the national banks of certain nations…
Don’t you just love it when a man with a German accent tells us how he is going to reshape our world.” LOL
It’s a common saying that “hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men” We are in the era of weak men
You have “2-3 years” max this should send the biggest shiver down your spine. That’s horrendously close, especially for people who’ve really just started on their financial journey.
You need to wake up TODAY!!!
Helpful books to read Creature from Jekyll Island, Shadow Men.