Get this in Spain right now over 50% of businesses are filing for bankruptcy
I live in Spain, for the past few years during the summer in these small andalusian villages they cut off the water at night. Food prices in the supermarkets are around 35-50% up. Now we only buy the very very basics. Leeks and cherry tomatoes see now a luxury item for us. All very sinister.
I like how the French fight the government. Brits just walk, a few placards, bang a few drums and ignored
That’s the British way, moan about it to mates and family but never do anything to change things, they just put up with it….. If you don’t push for change, DON’T MOAN !
The French are highly unionized. It is said the national pastime in France is “protesting.” I wish them luck on this one. Even if they don’t win on the retirement, it is still much better than the US which is 67 years old, and between age discrimination and declining health, most US residents don’t reach the full retirement age.