Peacocks are considered as the most beautiful and colorful birds in the world. They are known for their iridescent tails they used for mating rituals and courtship displays. The name “peacocks” is commonly used to refer to both the male and female. Only males are peacocks, while female are peahens, and together they are called peafowl.

Males use their outrageous tails to attract females for mating. Females are believed to choose the males according to the size, color, and quality of these beautiful feather trains.

White peacocks are frequently mistaken for albinos. However they’re technically a genetic variant of the Indian Blue Peafowls. Fascinating creatures, aren’t they?

Source: Amazing Creatures

White Peacock

There’s something incredibly regal about peacocks

That opulent creature

There’s something incredibly regal about peacocks

Hainan Grey pheasant

There’s something incredibly regal about peacocks

Much Ado about everything

There’s something incredibly regal about peacocks

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