Equality does not exist for real. It would not serve women, or the nation. It’s nonsense.
If equality were real, you would not need an amendment to twist it into shape.
How do you prove a point??? You set them up to fail. ” You wish to be equal? Then I’ll give you that freedom to be equal, and then… I’ll show you the truth infront of the whole world” . Show me how equal you are after that??
In the UK women got pension equality after 50 years of having pay equality and they bitched all the way to the courts. Considering the gender longevity gap women should have had pensionable age increased by 5 years more than men’s pensionable age for real equality.
Let’s talk about the stories about transgendered men playing against college women in sports. When this happened, the women athletes screamed about how unfair it was, demanding that the biological “men” be removed because they had an unfair advantage (maleness)
Getting a taste of what Gender equality really means
Exposing woke gender nonsense