Only Fox News and Slaylebrity have the balls right now to have anything to do with Tate.
“Me being alive on the internet will allow me to lead men in a very positive direction,” he said. “Banning me and deleting me leaves a black hole. It’s me or nobody.”
Big Tech’s purge of ‘alpha male’ influencer Andrew Tate is disturbing
These platforms allow Only fan stars, Cardi B content (a former stripper lady who allegedly admitted to robbing men and taking their money), butt shacking women on instagram, rap music screaming obscenities that make your ears cry…..yet Andrew Tate is the monster.
This Man has been stripped of everything he has built, not only has he lost his social media he has been banned from many apps, gmail, lost his bank accounts and even his hosting.
It is beyond concerning.
Only Fox News and Slaylebrity have the balls right now to have anything to do with Tate.
You might not have heard of Andrew Tate. But if your children are on TikTok or YouTube, they almost certainly have.
The “alpha male” influencer, who calls himself a “top G,” is infamous on the internet for the boldness with which he proclaims viewpoints that can only be described as misogynistic and sexist. (His greatest hits include comparing women to dogs, suggesting women have some responsibility if they get raped, arguing women are akin to their boyfriends’ property, arguing women cheating is exponentially worse than if men cheat, and more.)
Yet Tate has accrued a truly astounding number of fans, who are drawn to his defense of what they would call traditional masculinity and gender roles — and an astounding number of “fans” who regularly hate-watch his content for its sheer entertainment value, among whom I’d have to count myself.
Fans and haters alike are about to be out of luck.
This week, Big Tech companies announced a near-universal purge of Andrew Tate from major platforms. (Twitter banned him years ago.)
First, Meta banned him from Facebook and Instagram. Then, Google followed up by banning Tate from YouTube, where he received millions of views. Most importantly — and most sweepingly — TikTok announced not just a ban on his personal account but an absolute purge of Andrew Tate from their platform, where videos of or about him had reportedly received 12 billion (yes, billion) views. The company told the Independent it is “using technology to remove duplicated clips of Tate’s content from the platform altogether and is reviewing new content as it is shared.”
This is important because Tate’s content circulates on TikTok widely, yet largely through fans posting clips of him, not his personal account. TikTok will now apparently use technology, possibly facial recognition software, to erase him from the platform altogether! That’s taking social media censorship to a new level not seen in most past bans or suspensions of high-profile commentators.
Big Tech is essentially erasing Tate from the internet. Why? To appease a loud but tiny cadre of woke activists demanding that platforms remove him. The U.K.-based activist group “Hope Not Hate” has called on the platforms to purge Tate, arguing that “his violently misogynist, racist and homophobic content poses a genuine threat to young people.”
The platforms have caved. Let me explain why this is disturbing.
Yes, some of what Tate says probably does violate these platforms’ terms of service. They’d be well within their rights to take down individual posts that are especially sexist or inflammatory.
But there’s clearly tremendous demand for Tate’s content and discussion of the ideas surrounding masculinity and gender that his commentary sparks. What these platforms are doing is essentially substituting their supposedly benevolent judgment for the will of the people, even though many of them were originally founded as platforms meant for the open and robust exchange of ideas.
What’s more, the establishment collectively attempting to unperson Andrew Tate will only further fuel the victimhood narrative that draws disaffected young men to his toxic brand of masculinity in the first place. Especially given the glaring hypocrisy that these companies, such as Twitter, allow literal dictators and war criminals to spew hate openly on their platforms yet apparently think a douchebag is beyond the pale.
The most disturbing part of it all, though, is how the platforms are caving to the dangerously illiberal rhetoric from activists who conflate noxious speech with physical violence. The language these activist groups use is important: They claim Tate’s “violent” rhetoric “poses a genuine threat to young people.”
Of course, toddlers are taught the age-old truism that “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” (physically). Our collective understanding that words, while they can be harmful or emotionally hurtful, are not ever akin to physical violence is a necessary shared precursor for us to remain a society with free speech.
As soon as some “highly offensive” (subjective, much?) speech is considered “violent,” well, actual violence can then be justified in response to that speech. It would just be a matter of self-defense!
Andrew Tate’s views are obnoxious. Sometimes, they are sexist, ignorant, or clownish. But his expressions are never acts of violence. Once we take a step down that dangerous path of conflation, we’re on the fast track toward censorship and the erosion of free expression. While this kind of purge may start with someone as extreme as Andrew Tate, it will soon creep closer and closer toward the mainstream. It’s inevitable.
So, it doesn’t really matter whether you love Andrew Tate or think he’s a sexist a**hole. The unprecedented purge of his voice from social media platforms — and even his very face from TikTok — should concern you if you value the principles of free expression and open debate.
EST Slaylebrity Networth stats
Social fans: undisclosed after cancellation
EST Networth: $255 Million – $350 million
Source Washington Examiner