I hope you all are having a great day. I’m coming to you all today with a very URGENT message. As many of you know, we’ve been battling with FUD released from the higher-ups throughout this entire bull run. It seems like the more successful crypto becomes, the more vicious the attempts to scare us out of the market becomes. It looks like the government is kicking things up a notch with IRS provision 6050I.
In a nutshell, participating in any crypto activities without KYC’ing will be seen as a criminal act. This is a direct attack on our financial freedom. It is important that we use our physical and digital voices to contact our local representatives and express our displeasure with them even proposing a bill as heinous as provision 6050I be passed. Now is the time to take action. We must remain unfazed by any regulatory FUD.
We’ve fought too hard and dedicated too much to this industry to capitulate now. Crypto is about way more than cool projects, getting rich, and quick pumps. This is the key to our financial liberation. This is the revolution that people will etch into history books. This is the revolution that people will make movies about. This is the revolution that we will teach our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren about.
Most importantly, this is the financial revolution that will finally even the playing field between the haves and the have-nots. E.T Fam, this is much bigger than us. This is about the generations that will come after we’re long gone. They deserve a better future. We have the chance to lay the blueprint, but it starts now. This is worth continuing to fight for! I don’t plan on leaving the frontlines any time soon. The only thing I hope is that when I look to my left and my right, I will see you all next to me. Much luv E.T Fam!
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that nothing in this video shall be construed to be financial, legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor. All personal opinion is intended for general information purposes only.