Bill Cosby was a household name for decades before The Cosby Show premiered on NBC 30 years ago today. Following the Brooklyn-based Huxtable family, The Cosby Show dramatically changed the sitcom game in the early ’80s and depicted the African-American experience in a new light on TV. Cosby starred as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair, playing a lawyer and doctor, respectively, with five kids: Sandra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy. Throughout the eight-season run, the family grew; they gained in-laws, grandchildren, and other extended family members, but the Huxtables were always a tightly knit clan and remained in the hearts of American audiences.
This episode shared in the video features perhaps one of the most adorable memorable moments of the entire series.
Bill Cosby was a household name for decades before The Cosby Show premiered on NBC 30 years ago today. Following the Brooklyn-based Huxtable family, The Cosby Show dramatically changed the sitcom game in the early ’80s and depicted the African-American experience in a new light on TV. Cosby starred as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair, playing a lawyer and doctor, respectively, with five kids: Sandra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy. Throughout the eight-season run, the family grew; they gained in-laws, grandchildren, and other extended family members, but the Huxtables were always a tightly knit clan and remained in the hearts of American audiences.
This episode shared in the video features perhaps one of the most adorable memorable moments of the entire series.
The Huxtables…How they changed
The Cosby Show with this ring part 1
The Cosby Show with this ring part 2
Olivia First day
Malcolm Jamal opens up about Bill Cosby
Source Decider
Source Decider